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Add a Parameter to a Solution using Solution Manager

Note: You must have a solution record created and open.

You can add multiple parameters to a solution within Solution Manager. The Parameter Picker within Solution Manager presents all available parameters and provides detailed information about the accepted parameter values and each parameter's functionality.

To add parameters to a solution:

  1. Click Customize with Parameters to load the Conga Composer Parameter screen. For information on this screen, see Adding Parameters. The parameter list is divided out into sections based on functionality. Click the plus sign to expand a section and view the parameters in that category. Click again to hide the parameters in the category.
  2. Click a parameter to see information and settings for the parameter. If the parameter you want does not appear, see Manually Adding a Parameter with Solution Manager. The description pane lists parameters and other settings that are required to use the selected parameter.
  3. Click Select Parameter to select the parameter. The Solution Manager Parameter Picker auto-fills the Parameter Name field.
  4. Enter a value in the Parameter Value field. The Parameter Picker will enter a default value of 1 automatically for parameters with On/Off functionality. This is a required field.
  5. (Optional) To add a merge field to your parameter, click Merge Field Helper to view the available merge fields.
  6. Click Add Parameter to Solution Record to save the selected parameter to your solution.
  7. Repeat to add additional parameters.
  8. Click Return to Solution Record to return to the solution record where you can update the button URL.