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The Conga Solution Parameter Screen

Parameters allow users to customize the behavior of their solutions.

The Conga Solution Parameter Screen


Parameter name, value, and description. The name field (and in some cases, the value field) auto-fills after you select a parameter. A value is required; description is optional.


Returns you to the solution record. (Click this after you have added the parameters you want.)


Adds the parameter/value pair to the solution's button URL. (Click this after each parameter you add.)


Displays a list of fields from the master object so that you can use a dynamic value for the parameter.


Displays a list of Conga Composer® parameters, organized by category.
  • Use the search field to quickly locate a parameter by name, function, or keyword.
  • Click the plus sign to expand the list of parameters within a category. (Click again to collapse the list.)
  • Click a parameter to view details in the right pane.


Click to select a parameter and auto-fill the parameter name field (and a default value, if applicable).


Displays the parameter description.

Auto-populates after a parameter is selected. You can also type additional information and notes here; after the parameter is added to the solution, this information is available in the Selected Parameters area.

Description information is not added to the URL.


The Selected Composer Parameters area displays a list of parameters that have been added to the solution.