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To delete a clause from a Contract

  1. Open a contract.
  2. Click the Unlock () icon and select Acquire. Upon locking the contract, the Data option becomes enabled.
  3. In the Contracts pane, go to Data > Doc Clauses. The Doc Clauses tab lists all the smart clauses present in your contract.
  4. Select the clause from the list and click the More () icon adjacent to the clause name.
  5. Click Delete. The clause is marked with a strikethrough in the Doc Clauses tab to denote that it has been marked for deletion.
  6. Check the document in. A current instance of the contract document is opened. In this document, the deleted clause is removed from the available clauses list and the clause content is removed from the contract document. If you choose to reconcile clause during check-in, a Deleted entry is recorded in the Contract Clause related list on the contract record in CLM.

You can also use the Backspace or Delete key on your keyboard to remove clauses. If you delete a clause while in Suggesting mode and do not accept the change, the deleted items do not appear in the reconciliation.