Marking Fields
Using Doc Fields, you can mark small chunks of contract document content as fields. When you mark content in a contract document as a field, it becomes a smart field. Smart field values can be reconciled with data in the contract record when the document is checked in, allowing changes made during negotiation to be accurately reflected and managed as data in the Conga CLM. Content marked as a field must map to the data type of existing fields in your contract record.
Marking a field in a single contract does not mark the field across all other documents for the same contract record.
To mark a field in an agreement
Make sure the format of the text you are marking matches the data type you are mapping to. You will receive an error if the text is not valid for the field type you choose.
A success message appears and the selected text in the contract is enclosed within double curly braces. The content adopts the properties of the same field on the agreement record. The marked field is now displayed in the Doc Fields tab in the order it appears on the pages.
After marking the field, you can go to Data > Doc Fields tab to confirm that the field is now recognized in the document. When you check in the document, any smart fields can be reconciled to the contract.