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Managing Groups

You can create and administer groups for your departments or project teams. Instead of sharing a folder with your users one at a time, you add them all at once. With groups, you can create lists of people who require access to the same shared folders based on department, team, or project, and:
  • Share folders with an entire group immediately.
  • Onboard users more efficiently: adding a user to an existing group automatically grants access to the group's shared folders.

To create a group

  1. Click Users & Groups () in the left nav bar, raising the Users window.
  2. Click the GROUPS tab.
  3. Click the add group button () at top right.
  4. Enter the group name.
  5. Select the email address of each user to add to the group. You can add multiple addresses to the group.
    Users must have an Active status.
  6. Click the CREATE button.

To add users to a group

  1. Click Users & Groups () in the left nav bar, raising the Users window.
  2. Click the GROUPS tab.
  3. Select a group by clicking the expand button ().
  4. Click INVITE PEOPLE to raise the "Add new users to the group" dialog.
  5. Select the email address of each user to add to the group.
    You can add multiple addresses to the group. Users must have an Active status.
  6. Click the ADD button.

To remove a user from a group

  1. Click Users & Groups () in the left nav bar, raising the Users window.
  2. Click the GROUPS tab.
  3. Select the group to remove the user from.
  4. Click the X next to the name of the user to remove.
  5. Click the REMOVE button in the confirmation prompt.
The user no longer has access to shared folders in the group.

To restore a user to a group

When a user is removed from a group, their username is not removed from the group.

A RESTORE button appears adjacent to removed user names.

  1. Click the RESTORE button.
  2. You are prompted to confirm. Click YES.
  3. The user is restored to the group.

Deleting a Group in Access Control

You can delete or remove a group only if no folders are shared with that group.

User and Group Limits

One thousand groups are permitted, and 1,000 users are allowed for each group.