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Roles and Permissions

This section describes how administrators set up users and their permissions. For users setting access levels when sharing a folder with other users or groups, see Setting Access Levels When Sharing a Folder.

A user can have one of three roles:

There is no limit to the number of admins or co-admins.


An admin can:

  • Manage users (add, deactivate, reset two-factor authentication, edit information), set user roles (admin, co-admin, member), and manage groups
  • Determine user settings to give access to upload, request to extract, and view or edit the clause library.
  • Define user tags and labels (which users can then use on the documents they have editor or collaborator access to).

An admin cannot access a document unless a user with editor or collaborator access shares that document's folder with the admin.

An admin cannot manage users provisioned using Single Sign-On (SSO). Users thus provisioned are managed by the SSO administrator.

There are three permission settings for each user:

  • Upload: When this setting is enabled, a user can upload files to the system. When it is disabled, a user—even one with editor-level folder access—cannot upload files to the system.
  • Request to extract: When this setting is enabled, a user can upload files to extract and can request store-only files to be extracted. When it is disabled, a user cannot upload files to extract and cannot request store-only files to be extracted. Users can still upload store-only files if the upload setting is enabled for them.
  • Clause library: With this setting, a user can be given view-only access or edit access to the Clause Library or can be denied access.


A co-admin can do everything an admin can do, except manage users and groups.


Admin and co-admin roles do not give access to any documents in the system. Like members, admins and co-admins can only access documents that have been shared with them. See Setting Access Levels When Sharing a Folder to learn about sharing and access levels. Admin and co-admin roles only help manage users and application settings.


A member user has no admin or co-admin privileges to manage user access or settings.

Roles and Permissions





Manage users and groups

Define user tags

Define labels

Enable access to Clause Library (user access is a setting)

Enable request to extract (user access is a setting)

Enable access to upload (user access is a setting)

To change an active user’s role or permissions

  1. Click Users & Groups () in the left nav bar to raise the Users window.

  2. Click the box to the left of the name of the user whose role or permissions you will change.
    • Use the Roles dropdown to change the user's role (admin, co-admin, or member). If the user is not active (inactive or pending), the role line is blank (--). You can only manage roles for active users.
    • Use the Upload dropdown to toggle the user's upload permission.
    • Use the Request to extract dropdown to toggle the user's ability to order document extraction.
    • Use the Clause Library dropdown to change the user's access to the Clause Library.

Changes are updated instantly. Select the user name(s) again to change each role or permission.