Conga Product Documentation

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The Navigation Bar

Located to the left of the screen, the navigation bar gives you access to all Contract Intelligence (Standalone) features.

Dashboard returns you to the home/dashboard screen.

Documents takes you to the documents uploaded to Contract Intelligence.

Contract Binders opens the Contract Binders feature, which enables you to associate and find files using their contractual relationships.

InSights takes you to a metadata search tool and previously stored filters.

Events takes you to upcoming events for your action or attention.

Clause Library takes you to the Clause Library, where you can create, upload, or access preconfigured contract clauses.

User Tags takes you to the User Tags feature, where you can review your and your colleagues' annotations to contracts and documents.

The Documents Stage gives a high-level view of the status of all documents under management.

Admin gives Admin and Co-Admin users options for managing users, groups, and the overall look, feel, and performance of the system.

Account offers all users the ability to shape the user identity they present in CCI, and to control which groups they belong to.