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Configuring the Analyze Quote Page

Click Analyze Quote button on the cart, to load the Analyze Quote page.

Analyze Quote page is divided into following four components:

  1. Product and Summary Sidebar
  2. Line Item Key Metrics
  3. Line Item Waterfall Chart
  4. Waterfall Table

You can opt to display the fields of your choice in the Line Item Key Metrics and Line Item Waterfall Chart screen elements for both Line Items and Summary Group options.

Go to Config Settings > Display Column Settings and select Display Type as Line Item Key Metrics for configuring fields displayed on top of the page.

Similarly, you can configure the display for Line Item Waterfall, Summary Group Key Metrics, Summary Group Waterfall and Optional CostandProfitability Fields.

All the fields of Cost Line Item, Adjustment Line Item, and Cost Adjustments are available to be displayed on the Analyze Quote page.