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Creating Price Rules

You can associate multiple rules to a rule set or through to a product. Price matrices can be defined in price rules as well as conditional price rules (rules that use boolean logic such as AND/OR). Price rules can be dimensional, which use a similar concept as Price Matrices or Conditional, that relate to fields for pricing adjustments.

One ruleset can have multiple rules and are evaluated in order of the rule sequence. A rule can be dimensional or conditional. A price rule determines the actual price adjustment made.

In the CPQ Admin UI, you can use PAV extension fields to create price rules of type criteria. Criteria fields can use attributes only from the out-of-the-box product attribute value (PAV) extension objects. CPQ does not support custom PAV extension objects.

To create a price rule

You must have an existing Price Ruleset.

  1. On App Menu, click Conga CPQ Admin and then click the CPQ Admin tab.
    The new admin console is launched.
  2. On the Pricing menu, click Manage Price Ruleset.
  3. Select an existing price ruleset.
  4. On the PRICE RULES tab click New Price Rule.
  5. On the DETAILS tab, enter the following details.
    1. In Rule Name, enter a mandatory rule name.
    2. In Short Description, enter a description for the rule.
    3. Selecting Stop Processing More Rules indicates that if the ruleset is satisfied, the system will not process any more rules.
    4. From Rule Type, select a type. The supported values are Dimension and Condition. In setting a dimensional price rule, the process is exactly the same asCreating Price Matrices for a product.

      The values on the Rule Type drop-down are based on what you add inSetup > App Setup > Create > Objects > Price Rule > Rule Type > Values . CPQ supports only Dimension and Condition rule types.

    5. From Adjustment Applies To, select an option to which the adjustment is applied. This is for line item adjustments only. The supported values are Base Price and Base Extended Price.
    6. By default, the price rule inherits the value of Currency, from the price ruleset.
    7. The Sequence is auto-generated.
    8. To make the rule active, select Active.
    9. From Adjustment Charge Type, select an option to set summary level adjustments as a charge type. You can change this in the Price Rule object.
    10. To allow complete removal of a price adjustment, select Allow Removal of Adjustment.
  6. On the DIMENSIONS tab, enter the following details.
    1. From Dimension, select a price dimension. You can enter up to six dimensions, which bring in attributes from the line items or headers of any data type within Salesforce. For example, you can select a dimension on quantity.
    2. From Dimension Value Type, select one of the following:




      The system only considers the specific matrix values.


      The system considers the matrix values as inclusive of the numbers in the range.

  7. Click Save.
    The price rule is successfully created and listed under the Price Rule list.
  8. Click the add icon () in the price rule details section to add an adjustment to the price rule. You can add more than one price rule rows by clicking and delete rows by clicking . You can also move a row up or down by clicking or .
  9. Enter the following details and click Save.
    1. In the <Dimension> column, enter a value for the dimension you created.
    2. In the Adjustment Amount column, enter a percentage or a number to adjust the price.

      In this column you enter the adjustment amount directly. Use this column if you are not using the Adjustment Amount Source column.

    3. In the Adjustment Type column, select the kind of adjustment required.
    4. In the Adjustment Amount Source column, select an adjustment source.

      Use this column if you are not using the Adjustment Amount column. In this column, you can select an adjustment amount that will be fetched from CPQ formula fields created on the required business objects and fields. CPQ fetches the adjustment value from those fields instead of fetching the adjustment amount directly from the Adjustment Amount column. However, you must select such formula fields that return only numeric values. CPQ applies the adjustment on the list price to derive the base price.

    5. In the Effective Date column, select the date from when the price rule entry will be effective.

      This column is available only if the Enable Date Range is turned on. For more information, see Creating Price Rulesets.

    6. In the Expiration Date column, select the date on which the price rule entry will expire.

      This column is available only if the Enable Date Range is turned on. For more information, see Creating Price Rulesets.

    7. In the UOM column, enter the UOM for the price rule entry so that CPQ applies the UOM conversion rate if the price rule entry and the line item have different UOMs.

      You can set the UOM of a price rule entry when the Adjustment Type is Discount Amount, Markup Amount, or Price Override. Also, you must have configured the conversion rate for UOMs. For more information, see Configuring Unit of Measure (UOM) and Frequency Conversion Rate.

      The UOM you enter in the price rule entry here must be the source during conversion (From Uom).