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Configuring Quick Quote Mode

The Quick Quote feature allows Sales reps to create a simple quote with fewer clicks from opportunity. The Sales rep can directly go to the Catalog page from Opportunity, configure products, and finalize the cart without having to create a proposal in turn reducing the number of clicks. Quick Quote feature is especially meant for creating budgetary quotes where Sales Reps can begin the quoting process by populating the quote header with limited values.

To enable the Quick Quote feature, you must create and add a custom button to the opportunity layout. CPQ populates the critical header fields in the new quote based on the parameters passed in the formula of the button. You can define variable or static parameters. In the case of variable parameters, CPQ retrieves the values from opportunity. You can use the following parameters in the URL as described:



URL Parameter


Opportunity ID



Add the ID of the opportunity to the URL.

Price List



Add the ID of the price list to the URL. You must use one of the following ways to pass the price list.

  • Add a static value of the price list ID the URL. This is applicable when the quotes are always created with a fixed price list.
  • Create a Price List lookup field on the Opportunity object and a formula field to store the ID of the selected price list. Pass this formula field value in the URL.




This field is copied by default.

Expected Start Date



You must create the field on the Opportunity object with datatype as Date and add the field in the URL.

Expected End Date



You must create the field on the Opportunity object with datatype as Date and add the field in the URL.

Existing Configure Products URL parameters


  • flow
  • useAdvancedApproval
  • asyncFinalize
  • deferPricingUntilCart

Add the parameters based on your business needs.

The custom fields with the same API name, that are common between both opportunity and quote are also populated.

To create a quick quote custom button on Opportunity

  1. Go to Setup > App Setup > Customize > Opportunities > Buttons, Links, and Actions.
  2. Click New Button or Link.
  3. Fill in the details as explained below.




    Enter the name of the button. For example, Create Quick Quote.


    This field is populated automatically when you click the text box.


    Enter a description for the button.

    Display Type

    Select Detail Page Button.


    Select the behavior based on where you want to display the button

    Content Source

    Select URL.

  4. In the Code Snippet block, type the following:

    Ensure that you enter the name of your Flow setting in the flow parameter in the above formula. In our example, it is QuotingCartGrid.

  5. Click Save.

To add the quick quote button

After you create the custom button, add the Quick Quote custom button to the layout of the opportunity.

  1. Click Page Layouts and click Edit for the page layout to which you want to add the Create Quick Quote button.
  2. From Buttons in the Layout configuration window, select Create Quick Quote and drag and drop it onto the page layout.
  3. Click Save in the Layout configuration window.

Create Quick Quote button is added and saved onto the page layout.

For more information on creating a quick quote, see Creating Quick Quotes.