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Configuring Progress Tracker for Async Operation

When you enable this feature from the Quote/Proposal, Agreement, or Order object , CPQ displays notifications on the Quote Detail, Agreement Detail, and Order Detail page tracking different stages of async operations. The tracker informs the Sales Rep of the progress in real-time. It also immediately informs the Sales Rep in case of errors and provides detailed information about the error, helpful for debugging. For example, when a Sales Rep finalizes a cart asynchronously and returns to the Quote Detail page, a progress bar displays the progress of the Finalize operation.

You can use this feature to track the progress of the following tasks that CPQ processes asynchronously:

  • Finalizing a cart.
  • Cloning a quote or agreement.
  • Accepting quote to create order.
  • Creating an agreement with line items from Split and Enterprise quotes.
  • Activating agreement to create order.

The feature tracks the following stages of the async operation:

  • The progress of the async operation.
  • The errors encountered while processing the operation.
  • Completion of the async operation. Upon completion, the Quote page is refreshed automatically.
  • Success notification after the completion of the operation (only supported for Lightning Experience).

The Sales rep can use this feature for async operations for quotes of all profiles namely Regular, Split, and Enterprise.

Follow the steps below to enable the tracker.