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About Smart Cart

The Smart Cart feature allows you to manage the cart with a large number of line items. In the Smart Cart flow, line items are priced in groups that are divided based on the threshold and split criteria. The threshold defines the number of line items in a group. The split criteria list the fields based on which the line items are grouped. The threshold and split criteria are defined by the administrator in Split Cart Threshold and Split Cart Criteria Fields settings respectively, in Config System Properties.

Like the regular cart, in the Smart Cart flow, you can configure and add products to the cart. Once you add the products to the cart, you can use the pricing functionalities like adjustments, tiers promotions to adjust the pricing of the line items. Submit the cart for pricing after you finish applying all the adjustments. Click Submit for Pricing (Async). Pricing of the line items in the Smart Cart flow is processed differently than the regular cart. For more information, see About Smart Cart Pricing.

Once the pricing is calculated, finalize the cart. After the finalization, a hierarchy of configurations is generated within your quote. The quote consists of the Main Configuration, a Config Configuration, and Pricing configurations. The Main Configuration consists of the Config Configuration and the Config Configuration lists all the Pricing Configuration. The Pricing Configurations represent the groups that are created based on the threshold and the split criteria. Each Pricing Configuration consists of the proposal line items the belong to that particular group.

You can reconfigure the finalized cart. In the Smart Cart flow, when you reconfigure a finalized cart, CPQ uses the saved product configuration to build the cart again. Any changes you make to the cart are stored in the same configuration. The saved configuration is not superseded with a new copy of the configuration. You can sync the cart lines with the opportunity using the Synchronize with Opportunity button after generating the quote.

To enable the Smart Cart flow

To use the Smart Cart feature, on the Quote details page, set the field QTC Profile to Split. When you make this change, CPQ switches to Smart Cart flow.

Smart Cart feature does not support the following functionalities:

  • Analyze Quote
  • Asset-based operations such as Renew, Change, Swap, Terminate
  • Constraint Rules are only supported in client-side execution mode
  • Cost Model
  • Creation of Assets
  • Deal Guidance
  • Favorite Catalog
  • Line level Approval and Cart-Level Approval (Product Configuration Approval)
  • Order Generation
  • Order Management Amend, Cancel operations
  • Related Pricing
  • Sales & Summary group Promotion
  • Service CPQ
  • Total level discounting
  • Default Document Generation

Tasks Available in the Smart Cart Flow

You can perform the following tasks in a Smart Cart flow.

  • Filter and search products on the Catalog page.
  • Configure the products from the Catalog page.
  • Add products to that cart. You can also, add multiple products to the cart simultaneously.
  • View the mini cart.
  • Search for products by name on the Cart Page. You can apply advanced filters to narrow the search further.
  • Add more products. When you click Add More Product button and you are redirected to the Catalog page.
  • Configure the line items on the Cart page.
  • Copy and delete a line item.
  • Apply a mass-update on the line items.
  • Edit all the editable columns.
  • Apply adjustment or multiple adjustments.
  • Send the quote for collaboration.
  • Execute pre-pricing logic. Click the Pre-Price button on the menu.
  • Submit the cart for pricing by clicking the Submit for Pricing(Async).
  • Execute post-pricing logic. Click the Post-Price button on the menu.
  • Reprice the cart.
  • Save the cart.
  • Abandon the cart. By default, the configuration is deleted from the Quote details page. To retain a copy of the configuration your administrator must enable the Keep Abandoned Carts setting. For more information, seeConfig System Properties section in Configuring Custom Settings.
  • Finalize the cart.
  • Reconfigure the cart.
  • Revalidate the cart.
  • Sync proposal line item with associated opportunity. Click the Sync with Opportunity button on the Quote Details page. The administrator can also enable auto-sync as well.
  • Generate and send the proposal. You can also use Doc Gen functionality to generate and send proposals.
  • Accept the proposal.
  • Clone a quote in Smart Cart. Click the Clone(with Line Items) button on the Quote Detail page. The new cloned quote retains all the information of the parent quote, including:
    • Proposal header details
    • Product Configurations

      When you clone a finalized quote, Proposal Line Items are not cloned.

  • Create agreements with line items in Smart Cart. Click Create Agreement With Line Items on the Quote Detail page. The agreement is created along with agreement line items. The time taken to create such an agreement depends on the number of line items in the quote. The agreement is automatically finalized and Is Task Pending flag is set to false after creation.

About Smart Cart Pricing

In the Smart Cart flow, CPQ allows you to run pre-pricing logic before you submit the configuration for pricing, provided that your administrator has defined pre-pricing logic. Pre-pricing feature executes any custom logic defined by the administrator to be executed before any pricing actions. Pre-pricing is used to define any fields that are needed to be predefined before pricing is calculated. Click the Pre-Price button on the menu.

After the pre-pricing logic is executed, click Submit for Pricing(Async) button on the Cart page to calculate the price. After you click Submit for Pricing(Async), Net Price is calculated and the total is displayed next to the corresponding line item. If you change any fields that are used in pre-pricing logic or you add new line items to the cart that requires pre-pricing, you must execute pre-pricing again.

After the pricing is complete, you must run post-pricing logic, if your Administrator has defined a custom post-pricing logic. Post-pricing uses the pricing fields like Net Price and Net Extended Price which are calculated after you submit the configuration for pricing. Click the Post-Price button on the menu. If any of the pricing fields are changed after post-pricing, you must execute post-pricing again.

After you add products to the cart and if the pre-pricing and post-pricing logic are defined, all the pricing and finalization actions like Submit for Pricing (Async), Post-Price and Finalize are disabled on the menu. The buttons are enabled one by one as you perform the corresponding actions. For example, before you can submit the configuration for pricing you must execute pre-pricing logic, then all the buttons except Pre-Price are disabled. Once you pre-price the cart, Submit for Pricing (Async) is enabled but the Post-Price and Finalize buttons are still disabled. After you click Submit for Pricing (Async) button and pricing are complete, Post-Price is enabled. And only after post-pricing, Finalize is enabled. In the scenario when you update a field after pricing that requires pre-pricing, all the buttons except Pre-Price are disabled. The only buttons that are always enabled are Save, Abandon and Close.

Pre-pricing and Post-pricing logic are automatically executed if your administrator has configured the settings in Config System Properties.

After the pricing is complete, you can finalize the cart and see that a hierarchy of configuration is generated on the Quote Detail page.