Viewing the Cart in Grid View
The shopping cart has been redesigned to provide better usability and accessibility to the sales representative.
Following are the key changes that you can see in the shopping cart:
- Displaying cart level actions on top-right corner: A system displays the primary cart level actions on the top right corner of the page with Finalize action as a default. The other user actions such as Reprice, Apply Promotion, Analyze Quote, Submit for Approvals, and so on are made available based on the user scenarios. The user actions that are grayed out show an info icon next to them, providing a reason for non-availability for selection. You can customize the primary and secondary buttons. For more information, seeConfiguring Display Actions Settings .
- Action buttons, such as Add More Products, Installed Products, Reprice, Finalize, Submit for Approval, and more are available as picklist values.
- Mass actions, such as Delete Product,
Save as Favorite, Mass Update,
Product Collaboration at the line item level are available as
picklist values. The Copy action is available at the cart header level only, which you
can use to copy a single line item or perform mass updates. Any change using Mass Update
performs the calculation on the client-side for faster execution.Note:
- The UI grid allows you to select up to 50 items without scrolling. To select all items, scroll down and then check the group checkbox.
- For Enterprise Carts in Turbo Integration mode, if the number of line items in the cart exceeds the Large Cart Threshold under Config System Properties, then the resequencing of line items, when we remove products from the cart, is not done by default. In such instances, the administrator must manually call the Apttus_Config2.CartService.updateLineSequence API before finalizing the cart. CPQ saves all the custom fields that are used as line item fields deleting the cart line items before saving or repricing the cart.
- Easy and type-ahead search functionality on the top of the line item table.
- A Quick view of the Grand Total amount on the top-right corner. Also, Show Totals, Total Adjustments are displayed on the page header. The right arrow next to Grand Total shows you the detailed calculations at the line item level.
- If there are two custom fields on Summary Group and one custom field (field A) is dependent on another custom field (field B, where you provide your input) for its value, even if you pass a value in field B and reprice the cart, CPQ does not recalculate field A.
- The Edit and View buttons in the menu under the proposal name enable you to edit and view the Quote details respectively.
- Bundle cart line items with expand/collapse functionality. The administrator can disable the functionality at the product level.
- Auto-Inclusion with Line Item:
Auto-included products are marked with
icon in the cart. The icon is visible on standalone items, bundles, and optional products. For more information, see Configuring Inclusion Rules.
- A spinner is displayed on the cart header to indicate the progress of any rules/adjustments that are being executed in the background. Warnings and error messages, if any, are displayed at the top of the Cart page. In the case of multiple constraint rules errors, a number list of messages is displayed.
- Infinite scrolling for line items to avoid the need for pagination.
- Column headers are always available on the top while scrolling. Non-numeric fields are center-aligned and numeric fields are right-aligned. You can adjust the width of the columns by dragging the right-hand side border. However, if you refresh the page or relaunch the cart the column widths are set to default.
- Editable fields and actions on hover.
- Support for different data types for columns, such as Text, Picklist, Lookup, Date, Hyperlink Formula, Hyperlink Image Formula, Image, Formula, and more.Note:
By default, CPQ pre-populates values in lookup type fields on the Cart page. If the administrator has not enabled the Enable Quick View setting, you must search for values by clicking the search icon next to the lookup field on the Cart page. For information refer to Configuring Custom Settings.
- Support for Deal Guidance: For a
product that you configured on the cart page, the system displays a Pricing Guidance
pop-up for a customer deal. On the Guidance column when you hover your mouse on a green
circle, it pops up a screen with some guidance parameters.Note:
On the Cart page, the Pricing Guidance pop-up does not display values for the Price From and Price To columns if the deal guidance rule has a custom measure.
- Ability to apply mass adjustments for
options without applying adjustments on bundle: You can apply the mass update on
the option and bundle products separately. A new check box design has been implemented
that depicts how you can choose to apply the mass adjustments on bundle, option or
On the bundle level, when you click for the consequent times and click Mass Update, you see the following behavior:
Click number
Check box design
Solid square box
The mass updates are applied only to the bundle product. Sub-bundle products also behave as bundle products.
Minus sign
The mass updates are applied only to the option products.
Checked sign
The mass updates are applied to both, the bundle and option products.
Empty check boxes
The mass updates are not applied.
- Support for long product name, column text, and charge names.
- Providing client-side computation
- On Cart Grid when custom setting Enable Auto Reprice is set to ON, and you change any Quantity on cart line item, the pricing fields such as Extended Price, Net Price for the specific row are updated.
- Calculate totals (by charges and frequency) and grand totals
- Calculate subtotals for category
- Providing bundle rollup for cost and price: Rollup line gets updated when the individual line's price gets changed and any discount is applied on the summary line when any individual lines get updated.
- Support for removal of price list items for the existing quotes: Whenever you have a PLI removed from an active quote, the system notifies you and removes the item automatically.
- Eliminating the additional pricing spinner: When the pricing has been completed on the catalog or config page, the system does not show spinner on the cart grid page.
- Recalculating the end date of one-time fee: Based on the start date and the selling term, the end date for a one-time price type is re-computed when you delete it in the cart.
- Calculating the selling term of
recurring fee: When Price Type = Recurring, CPQ calculates the selling term on
the cart as follows:
- If the cart line item has start date and end date (but the Default Selling Term is not defined on the PLI), CPQ calculates the selling term based on the start date and end date.
- If the Default Selling Term is defined on the PLI (but the cart line item does not have start date and end date), CPQ calculates the selling term based on the default selling term.
- If the default selling term is defined on the PLI and the cart line item also has start date and end date, CPQ gives precedence to the start and end dates, and calculates the selling term accordingly.
- Showing sub totals and totals sections: The Cart Grid UI shows subtotals and totals section at the bottom of the cart page based on the setting called Enable Contextual Totals. For more information, see Config System Properties.
- Providing an indicator for line item approval: If you make updates to a quote/proposal, the system displays an indicator "Approval Required" for the line item on the cart page.
- Reordering of primary lines on the cart: You can drag and drop the primary line items on the cart using the hand icon that helps you sort the products.
- Cancelling the order line items: While amending an in-flight order, you can cancel one or more order line items from the cart that are not yet fulfilled (orders with pending and in-fulfillment status).
Improved User Experience for Adjustment Amount field:
CPQ displays a blue bar when you click or hover over the Adjustment Amount field on the line item or Totals section in the cart page. This feature improves the user experience by highlighting the Adjustment Amount field in order to make it noticeable during an edit mode. - Three Columns in the left section of
the Cart Grid
- The left side of cart grid is limited to three line items fields.
- When you create a new cart view and try to drag the fourth field into the third section, it moves that field to the middle section.
- When you create a new cart view as an admin, you can see the same behavior as a general user creating a cart view.
- Hiding Secondary Action Buttons upon Hard Revalidate: Upon hard revalidation of the quote by changing the product version, CPQ hides the secondary action buttons on the cart that are part of Display Action Settings. For example, Add More Products, Installed Products, Add Miscellaneous Items, Reprice, Finalize, and so on.
- On the configuration page at the Summary
section, the Hide Option Groups link is disabled when no product
option is selected.
For example, while you are configuring a quote, you do not want to include option groups that are associated with the product. In that case, you want to finalize the quote and add the product on the cart without any options. Hence, the Product Summary section needs to hide or disable the Hide Option Groups link, which is irrelevant in this scenario.
Suppose you are providing a quote of an internet plan to a customer which has no installation fee and router charges for the festival season. In that case, you can configure this product without the options, namely Installation Fee and Router Charges.
You can resize the first column and change the sequence of the columns (by dragging the line items vertically). For more information, seeConfiguring Display Columns Settings .
Please keep in mind the following pointers for icons/action buttons when using the new grid view:
- Copy, Remove and Product Collaboration – these icons/action buttons are available when all the selected line items are primary line items. Else the icons are grayed out.
- Mass Update – this is available for both, primary and secondary line items, except you have separate configurations such as Quantity = Read Only.
Required Configuration
This functionality can be achieved by a simple configuration of creating a new flow with the Cart page name as Apttus_Config2__Cart#cartgrid. You must then specify the flow name in your Configure Products button to view the new UI for the shopping cart. For more information, seeConfiguring Flow Settings and Creating Custom Buttons for Different Flows.
For more information on the service cart, see Working with the Service Cart.
For more information on the cart views, see Managing Cart View