Generating Coupons for a Promotion
Coupons are generally alphanumeric codes that correspond to a promotion. With Conga Promotions, you can now create multiple coupon codes for potential customers to promote your business and specific products in your inventory.
After you identify potential end customers in a target market, you can use coupons to track how customers use incentives, how you can optimize your promotions, and how you can re-target your customers. You can generate multiple coupon codes to share the range with your marketing team.
You can generate coupons only if you defined Auto apply? = No on the Information page. If Auto apply? = Yes, the Generate Coupons button is disabled.
To generate coupon codes for a promotion that you have created,
- On the left work pane, click Coupons.
- In the Quantity field, enter the number of coupons you want to generate and click Generate Coupons.
- Enter values for the fields described in the following table:Note:
These fields act as filter criteria as well. For example, the coupon assign-to account or user needs to match the account field value that is specified on the quote or the logged-in user respectively. If the Account field value on the quote is missing, the coupon assign-to account needs to match the account linked to the opportunity.
Select the checkbox to activate the coupon.
Start Date
The start date for the coupon.
End Date
The last date this coupon is valid.
Coupon Limit
The number of times you can use this coupon.
Assigned To Dimension
The level at which the coupon is valid. Select from one of the following options.
- Incentive User
- Account
Select the user or account to which the coupon is applicable.
- Click Save to save the changes or click Save & Continue to move to the next tab.Note:
After coupons are generated for a promotion, the Apply Promotions dialog does not list the promotion. The user must enter the coupon code to apply coupons instead.
- Select specific coupons in the list and click Apply to Selected Coupons. You can also mass edit coupons by selecting the checkbox at the header and clicking Apply to Selected Coupons.
- To create multiple coupons for one incentive, use the following sample code:
List<IncentiveCoupon__c> coupons = IncentiveCouponFactory.createSObjectsForIncentive(incentiveSO.Id, 5); System.assertEquals(coupons.size(), 5); for (IncentiveCoupon__c couponSO : coupons) { System.debug('couponCode=' + couponSO.CouponCode__c); }
You can view the resulting list of coupons on the Accounts page.