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Managing Cart Views

Similar to Salesforce views, the cart grid supports Cart Views containing predefined filter values on the cart. These views help you filter and display cart line items as per your configurations. You can set the custom views based on many parameters such as product, color, and location, using the Create New View pop up.

To create Cart Views

  1. On the Cart page, click view drop-down. Create New View pop-up is displayed.
  2. Select a value in the Group By field. The default value of the Group By fields is Product.
  3. Enter a name in the View Name field.
  4. Select Set as Default checkbox to make the view default. If you select this checkbox then the administrator view is overridden.
  5. Go to Choose Cart Columns tab.
  6. Drag and drop the columns that you want to display for the view of the cart from the left-hand side list to the right-hand side list.
  7. Click Save.

By default, you can create a new view, edit and delete views. When you delete a view, the record is deleted from your flow but does not get removed from the list of views. This means that your view is still visible to other flows.

You can create Cart Views with the Advanced Filters as well. To create a view with the Advanced Filters you must apply the filters to the line items in the Cart and select the Save with Filters checkbox when you create the cart view.

Required Configuration

For each view that you create, you must ensure that your administrator has listed your flow name as a picklist value in Config Settings object > Flow picklist field. If your administrator has not listed the flow name in this picklist field, you would be allowed to create a new view but would not be able to save the view. Also, after your administrator has listed the flow name in this picklist field, you can view and use all the views created by different users, provided the flow names are listed in the Flow picklist.

The columns displayed in your view are mapped with your flow. You can edit the columns using Display Column Settings. You can modify the group-by fields by listing the API names of the desired fields in the Groupby field available at Setup > App Setup > Develop > Custom Settings > Config System Properties > Manage > System Properties.