Incentive Compensation
This section lists the terms and their definitions for the Incentive Compensation application.
Application Parameters
The records are a combination of different parameters that you want to define for a business unit for a specified period. Parameters help you define the processing of compensation based on factors such as calendar, currency rate type for collection and payment, and more.
Attainment Measures
The metrics for which salespeople are compensated. They determine progress towards specific, defined organizational objectives (quota or targets). One or more Attainment Measures can be associated to a Plan Element.
Business Units
Business Units are used to manage segregation of data and business processes by Compensation Managers and Implementation Specialists.
Compensation Plans
Compensation Plans provide a medium for calculation and payment of commissions, bonuses, and other non-monetary incentives.
Variable compensation includes monetary payments such as commissions, bonuses, and draws to motivate sales teams to achieve certain goals.
Classification Hierarchies
Allows you to define a multi-level hierarchy for your business unit, effective for a definite period. These hierarchies are created to apply classification rules and match transactions to classification categories.
Classification Rules
Help you categorize base transactions into different buckets. A date-effective rule set is defined for each classification hierarchy and matched to transaction attributes during the classification process.
Participants are the internal and external sales people, other personnel, or customers whose incentives are managed within Apttus Incentive Compensation. They are paid or rewarded via the system on achieving or exceeding their sales goals.
Pay Groups
Are used to manage participant payments in every compensation payment period. Participants are assigned to a Pay Group either via a role or directly.
Pay Sheets
Are generated when a payment batch is created. Pay sheets are then reviewed, adjusted, and approved. Quite often, compensation analysts manage individual participant pay sheets and then submit them for approval to compensation managers.
Payment Batches
When payment batches are created, the pay sheet creation process is initiated. One payment batch generates one or more pay sheets for each participant included in the Pay Group for the pay period defined for the batch.
Period Types
Period Types are defined for each calendar to process the commission and bonus according to the organization's needs. These are added to the calendar where the Compensation Administrator defines the start and end dates for each period or interval in the calendar.
Plan Elements
Plan Elements are components designed to calculate and create earning transactions.
These are date-effective, you can associate one or more plan elements to a compensation plan.
Position Hierarchy
Is used to roll up attainment and quota and team and region calculations. Roll-up is based on the relationship between participants and participant managers and their association to positions.
Quota can be used to measure one’s achievement across an interval or a series of intervals. Quota is associated to an Attainment Measure in the compensation plan and can be customized for individual participants and positions.
Rate Tables
Rate tables are used in calculating the compensation amount in a plan element and can also be used in calculating a scorecard in attainment measures. The tiers are defined according to how the compensation amount is split. Rate Tables are used in the expressions for attainment measures and plan elements.