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This section lists the terms and their definitions for the Apttus Omni platform.

Action Bar

Group or series of actions (usually buttons) that are part of the same Extensible UI Framework component.

Advanced Lookup

An Extensible UI Framework component used to enhance type-ahead fields to allow an advanced search for lookup fields.


A data type that returns a value from a lookup object.


The managed cloud database on Microsoft Azure that Apttus Intelligent Cloud is built on, or; Apttus Query Language, a proprietary query language that allows users to access business data.


An action that marks an object or field as obsolete as you cannot delete an object or field after it is published. The primary reason for deprecation is to ensure that the schema is backward compatible.

Detail Page

An Extensible UI Framework component used to display detail information about a record. This is the primary view users see when viewing a record in any AIC application.

Edit Page

A EUF component used to build forms that take user input to create or edit object records. Also referred to as a Form.

Extensible UI Framework (EUF)

An extensible framework built on Angular Material that helps to create components driven by entity and layout metadata.

Layout Builder

A visual page layout editor built on EUF that allows users to create the various page views and custom layouts for their applications deployed on AIC.

List Page

A EUF component used to display data in a tabular format. Each row of a list page contains a single record. Also referred to as a Grid.


Any environment that combines a load balancer, service fabric cluster, security rules, and application gateway and application service. Each pod contains a list of resource groups that contain resources for that environment.


A mechanism to indicate that all changes made to a schema (package, object, or field) are tested and verified and ready to go to production.

Quick Create

A EUF component that enhances type ahead fields to allow a user to quickly create a new record from a form field.

Rules Builder

An administrative user interface supplied by Apttus out-of-the-box to define business logic for Apttus Intelligent Cloud applications in the form of rules.

Schema Manager

An administrative user interface tool supplied by Apttus that allows users to create and manage application schemas, including objects, fields, actions, relationships, and global picklists, and packages to contain those objects and components for deployment to customer environments.

Tab View

A EUF component used to create related lists on the detail page of an object.

Type Ahead

A widely used EUF component used in Edit layouts that allows users to search for objects by typing characters into a form field. Can be enhanced to allow for advanced search of lookup fields, filters, and quick create.