Creating Sharing Rules For User And Storefront
Perform the following steps to assign permission sets:
- Go to .
- Click the respective Site Label. For example, E-Commerce or Partner Commerce.
- Click
- Click the e-commerce site user. For example, Site Guest User, E-Commerce/Partner Commerce.
- Under the Permission Set Assignments section, click Edit Assignments.
- From the Available Permission Sets column, select respective permission sets and add them to the Enabled Permission Sets column.
- Click Save.
Perform the following steps to create a sharing rules storefront:
- Go to Setup > in the Quick Find box, search and select the Sharing Settings.
- Go to the Storefront Sharing Rules section and click New.
- In Step 1, enter the Label for the rule name.
- In Step 2, select Guest user access, based on criteria option.
- Select the respective Field, Operator, and Value to set the criteria. For example, Field: Storefront Name, Operator: Contains, Value: E-Commerce or Partner Commerce.
- Click Save.
Perform the following steps to create the user of a sharing rule:
You must use the Region field to create sharing rules for users.
- Go to Setup > in the Quick Find box, search and select the Sharing Settings.
- Go to the User Sharing Rules section and click New.
- In Step 1, enter the Label for the rule name.
- In Step 2, select Guest user access, based on criteria option.
- Select the respective Field, Operator, and Value to set the criteria. For example, Field: Region, Operator: equals, Value: North Region.
- Click Save.