Enabling Objects for Push-Based Sync
You can enable a simple or complex object for Push-based sync. This takes advantage of PushTopic Events in Salesforce that notify the data sync service when one or more records have been created, updated, or deleted, or when changes have been made to a record based on a specific PushTopic query. When you enable an object for PushTopic sync, any time activity in Salesforce meets the criteria for a PushTopic Event, the corresponding object and its data will be synced for the applicable consumer profile.
To enable an object for PushTopic sync
For more information on Salesforce PushTopic Events, refer to the following documentation:
- Salesforce PushTopic overview: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_streaming.meta/api_streaming/pushtopic_events_intro.htm
- PushTopic Event Allocations: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_streaming.meta/api_streaming/limits.htm