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Configuring TurboEngines Callbacks

This topic provides information on configuring TurboEngines callbacks.

Callbacks provide you with a mechanism to apply custom logic at the extension points provided and get invoked during the pricing computation by the TurboEngines. For example, you can apply custom pricing on the line items in the cart using the TurboEngines Callback Class. Callbacks are implemented using interfaces that are specific to each callback. These interfaces have various methods that you can use to achieve your task. You must implement the interface in a C# class and within that class, you may use your custom logic using the methods of the interface.


TurboEngines supports the following callbacks.

  • The "OptionFilterCallback" is now supported in the TurboConfig engine. Hence, you can rewrite the logic in Turbo-enabled orgs.
  • Pricing Callback & Extensions: The Pricing Callback is supported in the form of "PricingBaseCallback" and "PricingTotallingCallback" in the TurboPricing engine. The Pricing Extension callback is not supported in turbo mode.
  • The "Related Pricing Callback" is now supported in the TurboPricing engine.
  • Other callbacks are compatible with Turbo carts like validation, revalidation, action, display action, etc.

For more information on supported features in Turbo, see Supported Features in TurboConfig and Supported Features in TurboPricing.

The sections in this topic provide information for: