Onboarding Data Sync Services
To complete post-provisioning for TurboConfig & TurboPricing, the tenant admin must configure settings for data sync services. TurboEngines data sync provides a high-performance mechanism to sync config and pricing master data at regular, scheduled intervals (or on-demand) between Conga CPQ on Salesforce, TurboPricing, and TurboConfig. Before the initial data sync, you must configure settings enable data sync services and give the administrator access to the TurboEngines Data Sync Admin user interface (UI) to set up and schedule or activate the sync.
Perform the following tasks to complete post-provisioning data sync tasks for TurboConfig and TurboPricing.
You must run validate API (GET /ds/api/dataintegration/v1/Validate) after first onboarding data sync, after every upgrade, and if there is a change in the object(s) or Salesforce user profile permissions. for more information, seeTurbo_data_sync.json.
Configuring Data Sync Specific Settings
You must configure the data sync service URL and a CSP Trusted Site entry so SFDC can communicate with an external server.
To configure the service URL
To configure the CSP Trusted Site
Enabling My Domain
As an additional prerequisite to using the Data Sync Admin, you must deploy the "My Domain" feature in Salesforce.
For more information, refer to https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.lightning.meta/lightning/intro_reqs_my_domain.htm and https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=domain_name_overview.htm&type=5
Configure Permissions for Data Sync Admin User
Users who need to configure and run TurboEngines Data Sync must have permission to access and use the Data Sync Admin UI. This can be a user assigned to the System Administrator profile, or you can customize a profile and create one or more users in this role.
You must verify the JWT flow settings and access levels for your org after completing the tenant onboarding. For more information, see Verifying JWT Flow Settings and Access Level.
To check if the current user has the right permissions:
- Log in to your organization as the admin user.
- Open the Salesforce App Launcher (Lightning) and launch the TurboEngines Admin app.
- If the Data Integration and Callbacks tabs are visible after launching the app, the user has the correct permissions. Otherwise, log back in as a system administrator and perform the following tasks to provide access to the user profile.
To provide access to the data sync app
- Go to .
- Find the TurboEngines Admin app in the list. Click the drop-down and the end of the row and select Edit.
- Click User Profiles.
- From the list of Available Profiles, search and select the app you want to add.
- Click the right-facing arrow to move the profile from the list of Available Profiles to the list of Selected Profiles.
- Click Save.
To make all tabs visible in the data sync app
Configuring Single Currency Orgs
Exchange rates are required for currency conversion during pricing and therefore must be synced by TurboEngines. Since single currency orgs do not have a currencies table, any attempt to sync pricing data will fail. Take one of the following two actions when onboarding the org prior to the initial sync:
- Enable multiple currencies in the provisioned org (see Salesforce documentation).
- Raise a support ticket to have currencies removed from the Conversion Rates and Custom Settings consumer profile.
Salesforce orgs are provisioned with a single currency. In such cases, the currencies table will not exist. The currency tables are created and hold the exchange rates only when the administrator enables multiple currencies.
- You cannot change the currency flag for an org after provisioning the tenant.
- You cannot change the currency flag once you have changed it from Single currency to Multi-currency.
Setting up and Syncing TurboConfig Data
For complete information and the tasks required to administer TurboEngines data sync for TurboConfig and TurboPricing, refer to TurboEngines Data Sync for Administrators.
Verifying JWT Flow Settings and Access Level
You can verify the JWT flow settings and access level on a Connected App by invoking the following APIs.
Order |
Response |
1 |
ds/api/dataintegration/v1/Validate/SFDCDetails |
Trigger this API to verify the response for
2 |
/ds/api/dataintegration/v1/HealthCheck/status |
Trigger this API and verify the response, the status of SFDC_TOKEN_GENERATION and CERT_LOCATION_CHECK elements must be displayed as success. |
3 |
/ds/api/dataintegration/v1/Validate |
Trigger this API and copy the validation Id (guId) from the response. |
4 |
/ds/api/dataintegration/v1/Validate/GetValidationResults |
Trigger this API by passing validation id copied in step 3.