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Enabling TurboEngines in an Org

This topic provides a summary of the necessary steps for enabling TurboEngines (TurboConfig and TurboPricing) for your org.

An administrator can be any of the following persona: Customer Administrator, Partner Administrator, or any other administrator assigned the responsibility of enabling TurboEngines for their org. In the table on this topic, this persona is referred to as the Tenant Admin.


The Salesforce Validation Rules are not supported with Conga TurboEngines.


  • Check the "Supported Features" topics (under About TurboEngines) for the service you want to enable. Make sure all of the features you want are included before making a provisioning request.
  • You must have the appropriate TurboEngines license before turning on your org. If you do not have a license, please reach out to your Conga Account Executive.
  • You must have the Summer 2020 or later build of Conga Configuration & Pricing (Conga CPQ ) in the Salesforce org to enable TurboConfig and TurboPricing. Refer to "Packages" in the latest Conga CPQ Release Notes.

Enabling TurboEngines

To enable TurboEngines, perform the following steps for each org:





Pre-Provisioning Tasks


Set up Connected App in your org

Tenant Admin

Create a connected app to provide authentication and authorization to TurboConfig and TurboPricing Data Sync Service.


Prepare pre-provisioning tenant information

Tenant Admin

Gather all required information for provisioning your TurboConfig or TurboPricing org.

Provide this information to Conga Technical Support to begin the provisioning process.

Post-Provisioning Tasks


Perform the following steps only after receiving a notice from Conga Technical Support that the requested orgs are provisioned. You must have the new service URLs to proceed.


Set up Remote Site Settings (TurboConfig)

Tenant Admin

Use the service URL you received from Conga Technical Support to set up the remote site settings for TurboConfig.


Configure Services

Tenant Admin

For TurboConfig, update the following settings:

  1. Set up the Config Execution Mode
  2. Set up the custom flow and Configure Products button

For TurboPricing, update the following settings:

  1. Set up the Pricing Execution Mode
  2. Set up the TurboPricing endpoint URL


Configure TurboEngines Callbacks

Tenant Admin

Configure TurboEngines Callbacks.


Configure data sync service

Tenant Admin

Configure specific settings to onboard data sync services.


Sync data to TurboEngines

TurboEngines Administrator (can be Tenant Admin)

Set up and schedule or activate data sync to sync master data.

Enabling Unified Cart

The Unified Cart feature increases the performance of the cart actions such as Config, Pricing, and Finalize while working on medium to large carts. To improve the cart's performance, all complex computations in the current architecture are moved to the Conga Cloud Platform and the system of record is moved to Object DB.

To enable Unified Cart in your org

  1. Ensure that you have the cms endpoint key (CMS PUBlisher/CMSURL) and that has the correct value (tenant name) in the Configuring TurboConfig Settings.

    Adding the ConfigEngine endpoint is not required as all config actions are handled by PricingEngine.

  2. Update the remote site name and URL (for example, as required with the help of cloudOps or Professional services. For more information, see Configuring Remote Site Settings for TurboConfig.
  3. Update the CSP Trusted Site URL (for example, as required with the help of cloudOps or Professional services. For more information, see Onboarding Data Sync Services.
  4. Set the Constraint Rule execution Mode flag as Turbo in Config System Properties.

For existing customers, you must complete the following with the help of cloudOps or Professional services

  1. Change the datasync configuration.
  2. Ensure that you have updated the datasync MongoDB as required.
  3. Clear the following collections.
    • cpq_CmsBlobSFDC
    • cpq_CmsCart
    • cpq_CmsProductOffering
  4. Republish all bundles.

Key Notes

  • In the Unified Cart enabled org, the TurboConfig is disabled by default. You must enable TurboConfig with the help of cloudOps/professional Services to consume the unified cart feature.
  • The ConfigEngines APIs are converted into services similar to the pricing services. Hence, There will be no ConfigEngines APIs.
  • Both Publisher and ConfigEngine support only 18-character (lowercase) tenant IDs similar to pricing services. The 15-character tenant ID is no longer supported in both services.