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Viewing the Conga Copilot Summary

  1. Purchase the Contract AI feature package.

  2. Contact Conga Support to enable the contract-copilot feature flag on your account.

  3. Enable the COPILOT action permission. Only an Administrator can perform this task. For more information see Configuring Action Permissions for the Agreement Object.

Conga Copilot can summarize documents which is useful when reviewing long contracts. The generated summary distills a document down to its key points, saving you valuable time.

  1. Within X-Author for Contracts Advanced, click the Work tab.
  2. Click the AI icon and select Copilot.
  3. Click the Summary tab.
  4. Click one of the following options:
    • Contract Summary: This is a full generated summary of your contract document that includes all your contract details such as Contract Type, Effective Date, and End Date.

    • Brief Summary: This is a brief generated summary about the contents of your document but not does include all the specific details.

  5. Click Refresh to refresh the summary.