Image References in Templates
X-Author can display images in agreement documents by including them in RTF fields and referencing them in agreement templates.
- It is strongly recommended to insert RTF fields into your templates as HTML when your content does not contain images. The following represents a valid process for inserting RTF fields as images and can still be used, but should only be used when your RTF content contains only images and no other content.
- If you want the image to display as its original size, set a size 0 for Height and Width. Large images may cause alignment issues within the document.
For images to be displayed in an agreement document, there must be a reference to the image available in Salesforce for the merge server to use, so it can place the image in the generated agreement document. Conga provides this ability through the Upload Image option in the header of an object. This provides the option to upload an image to an RTF field associated with a page layout, which can then be referenced via a merge field in the template used for the agreement document.
In order for the Conga Merge Server to render your image properly, you must specify a height and width after inserting the field. Failure to do so will result in no image being generated in the target document.
You can use images up to 1MB in size and .gif, .jpg, and .png file types. To ensure the images will be presented in the document as expected you should work on a draft document in Microsoft Word first, edit the images as required in an image editor application, and then upload them to an RTF field.
In case your system has not been configured to use image references, please ask your System Administrator to complete the required configuration in Salesforce before you try to add and reference images.
To add images and upload them to an object
The object must be using a page layout that has the required fields added to it.
- In Salesforce, go to the Agreements tab and select the one you want to upload images to.
- Click Upload Images and select which RTF field to use and click Next. Be sure to select the correct field for the page layout, as currently all RTF fields in the system are included in the drop-down list.
- Click Browse and select the required file from the Images folder.
- Click Upload and then click Finish.
The image is now displayed in the RTF field in the object's header section. The image can now be added to templates.
To reference an image in a template
- Login to X-Author and from the X-Author Templates tab click Check-Out.
- Search for the required template and click Open.
- Place the cursor in the template where you want to insert an image and click Insert Field.
- If this is an agreement template, select the Agreement Fields object. If this is a proposal template, select the Quote/Proposal Fields object.
- Select the RTF field you want to insert and click Finish.
You can change the default width and height from the Properties tab as required. Measurements are in inches. When you preview or generate an agreement or proposal document using the template, images are included in the generated document.
To configure upload image action
This task assumes you want to configure an agreement object, other objects can also be configured in a similar manner.
To create the Rich Text Area
This task assumes you want to configure an agreement object, other objects can also be configured in a similar manner.
You can create more rich text areas if you want to have more images available for your documents.
To configure Image reference Fields
You must have created an Upload Image field and RTF fields to be used with a page layout.
- Go to and select the one you want to add Image Reference functionality to.
- From the Fields list select the RTF fields you want to use for images and add them to the Information section.
- Then select Upload Image from the Fields list and add it to the Information section.
- Click Save.
- Repeat steps 1 to 4 for any other required Agreement object or Proposal object page layouts.
The fields will now be displayed on objects using those page layouts.
When you go to the object, there will be an Upload Image button, along with the RTF fields in the object's header section.
To add the Upload Image Field to a Page Layout
You must have created an Upload Image field and RTF fields to be used with a page layout.
- Go to and select the one you want to add Image Reference functionality to.
- From the Fields list select the RTF fields you want to use for images and add them to the Information section.
- Select Upload Image from the Fields list and add it to the Information section.
- Click Save.
- Repeat steps 1 to 4 for any other required Agreement object or Proposal object page layouts.
The fields will now be displayed on objects using those page layouts.
When you go to the object, there will be an Upload Image button, along with the RTF fields in the object's header section.