Conga Contracts
This section lists terms and their definitions for the Conga Contracts application.
Acquisition Wizard
Active (Contract)
Active (Company)
Additional Fields
Additional Forms
Agreement Type
Auto Renewal, Auto Advance
Auto Renewal, Manual Advance
Audit Trail
Automated Triggers
Browse Screen
Bulk Data Upload Tool
Clause Library
Company Locations
Company Group
Company Profile
Contract Addresses
Contract Family
Contract Family Tree
Contract Group
Contract Profile
Contract Responsibilities
Contract Creation Templates
Contract Term Type
Contract Type
Home Page
Direct Editing
Document Assembly
Document Package
Dynamic Forms
Event Alert
- Notification Date = Event Date – Number of Warn Days
- Warn Days (user-defined) = number of days prior to the event date that email notification is sent.
- Reminder Date = Notification Date + Number of Reminder Days
- Reminder Days (user-defined) = number of days after the Notification Date that a reminder email alert is sent if the event has not been completed.
Event Alert Date
Event Alert Status
The status of an event alert is determined by Conga Contracts; it is completely automated and controlled on the back end. The possible statuses of an event alert are:
- Scheduled - Event Alert Date has not yet reached the Notification Date (Event Date – Number of Warn Days); therefore the event alert (email message) for the event has not yet been sent out.
- Due - Event Alert Date has reached the Notification Date, and therefore, the event alert (email message) for the event has been sent out. However, the Event Date has not yet been reached.
- Escalated - Both the Event Alert Date and the Reminder Date (Event Date – Number of Reminder Days) have passed, but the Event Date has not been reached.
- Past Due - Event Date has passed without any action having been taken on the Event Alert.
- Closed - Event has been completed (individual event) or closed (event series) by the Event Owner, and it is no longer active.
Event Date
Event Series
External Participant
Fixed Term Contract
Fixed, Auto Inactive
Fixed, Manual Inactivate
Forms Library
Gateway Step
Help System
Help Tips (Quick Tips)
History File
Inactive Status
- One of the values in the Status field in a Contract Profile. This generally means that the contract is no longer in force, as opposed to "Active" or "In Process." The contract has either expired or been canceled.
- One of the values in the Status field in a Company Profile. This generally means that the company is no longer "Active" or "On Hold," either having gone out of business or been acquired. Acquired companies are automatically given this status when the Acquisition Wizard is run.
Incorporated Contract
In Process Status
- One of the values in the Status field in a Contract Profile. This generally means that the contract is in draft form and has not yet been executed.
- One of the values in the Status field in a Company Profile. This generally means that the company is in the process of being accepted as a supplier or customer.