Download page Milestone Based Revenue Recognition.
Milestone Based Revenue Recognition
You can now recognize revenue based on the milestone completion dates. Milestone based revenue recognition helps in tracking revenue based on project completion dates. To recognize revenue on a milestone basis, set Is Milestone as true in your Revenue Recognition Policy,
Milestone based Revenue Recognition is supported only for Revenue Recognition Rule as Immediate.
Use Case: Recognizing Revenue based on Milestone
Suppose you are a finance administrator for a company selling computer hardware. You have a one-year contract from to to ship 1000 laptops. On ,you have shipped 1000 laptops. You can set-up a milestone-based revenue policy to recognize revenue on .
Pre-requisites:A Revenue Recognition Policy with Revenue Recognition Rule as Immediate and Is Milestone as true. Create a Laptop product and attach your revenue recognition policy to it.
To recognize revenue based on Milestone:
Accept the Quote/Proposal with the laptop product.
Activate the order and add Ready for Revenue Recognition date.
Revenue Agreement with a milestone record is created.
Navigate to your milestone. Enter Milestone Expected Date as .
Click Complete Milestone.
Enter the Actual Date of the milestone completion as .
Click Save.
Milestone Actual date is set as the Actual End Date of the Agreement Fee.
Next Step:
From the revenue console, click Generate Actuals to recognize revenue for your laptop product.