Working with Search Results
You can enter a Smart Search query from your Salesforce org or from a chat in Slack or Microsoft Teams. You can use natural language searches, keyword searches, or regular expression searches to get results. Smart Search returns the results of your search in an intuitive interface that tells you the number of results, what your search terms were translated to, with help along the way to explain how Smart Search got you the current results and how to get exactly the results you want.
Search Result Features
Item Count
Smart Search returns results with an item count. This number reflects the number of agreements or opportunities ("primary" objects) in which hits were found. Beneath this number are rows or ranks of results that represent individual documents. This number may exceed the number of individual documents because the item referred to is the underlying agreement, not the number of documents it comprises.
Query Explanation
When you enter a search, Smart Search parses the search terms you enter and creates a series of search parameters that it uses to query the back end. These parameters are displayed above your search results. In the following example, the Smart Search has broken the "Acme agreements over $10k with indemnification and jurisdiction" search term into the three parameters, "'Acme'", "with indemnification and jurisdiction", and "over $10k".
You can broaden your search by dismissing these parameters individually or refine your search as described below.
Group View
If you have configured Group View on in user preferences, it presents documents as subsidiary artifacts to the main agreement:
If group view is deactivated, results are ordered by ascending or descending column value. You can change this sort order by clicking the up or down arrow icon in the column header of your choice.
About the Search Results
Search results are returned with a button that returns information about your search and how Smart Search interpreted and presented your query.
Hover over the information icon () to raise the "About the search results" legend.
Improving Your Results
“Did you mean...” feature
For some searches, Smart Search cannot find documents based on your search term but can make suggestions that might get you closer to the results you want.
Such Smart Search suggestions are presented under the “Did you mean” heading:
To broaden your search
When you enter a natural language search query, Smart Search makes determinations about searchable parameters and extracts these as search terms. These terms are displayed above the results grid in the search ribbon.
You can click the X in a box to remove the term from your search, or click Clear All to start a new search.
Refining Search Results
You can To adjust your user preferences returned in a given search. Limiting the number of results can make searches faster, but a search will lose results if the number of matches returned exceeds this limit. If you exceed the maximum search result count, you can refine your searches for more specific results. Because the search results may be limited by the Maximum Records setting, the following strategies for search refinement do not refine only the previous search's results. In other words, search refinements are not cumulative: each refinement triggers a new search based only on its own parameters. If, for example, you enter a search for "all agreements" and encounter a limit of 1,000 contracts returned, you can refine your search term.
You can refine your search by entering additional terms in the search bar (for example, by adding "exceeding $50,000" to the natural language search), by clicking the funnel icon to To filter search results, or by To filter search results by column.
However you enter the search refinements, a refined search of "All agreements exceeding $50,000" returns results from all available contracts, not just from the 1,000 contracts returned in the previous search.
To filter search results
You can apply filtering conditions to search results. Once you've created a filter, you can save it.
To filter search results by column
You can filter search results by column. This gives improved resolution to searches based on criteria you deem important.
In search results:
- Click the filter icon (
) at the top of the column you will filter by.
- Select an Operator.
- Select or enter a value. Depending on the column you are filtering by, this value may be a date (the date picker appears), a dollar value, a name from a list, a check box, or an open text field.
- Click Apply.
- Smart Search returns filtered results. The new filter term appears above the results. You can return to the original filtered results by dismissing the new term. Note: Smart Search only saves the initial filter. If you add column filters to an initial filtration, Smart Search does not save the column filters.
To sort results and view details
To open a document from search results
Updating Smart Search's Dynamic Library
Contracts, agreements, and other documents may possess custom terminology that is not in Smart Search's standard dictionaries. Consider, for example, a company that offers several service levels, which carry different payment terms: a bronze-level customer must pay on delivery, a silver customer pays net-30, a gold customer can pay on a net-60 basis, and a platinum customer can pay net-90. You can define such custom payments terminology in the Payment Terms field. If you define "silver" in this field, Smart Search will find comparable clauses with such terms as "net_30", "net-30", "Thirty days from delivery", and so forth, and apply this to searches going forward.
To update the dynamic library
To share search results
To export search results
- Select one or several files from your search results.
- Click the export header icon (
) to raise the Export Selected Files popup.
- Select the format you want. Options are PDF and XLS. If you have selected multiple files, the export will be compiled into a Zip file.
- Enter a file name and click Export.