Using Smart Search
This section describes using Smart Search itself: accessing the tool and manipulating aspects of its user interface. Subsequent sections describe search strategies available to Smart Search users, how to work with search results, and how to increase your efficiency by storing, using, and manipulating search queries.
To access Smart Search
Smart Search is part of the Conga base package. If the administrator has registered your org to use Smart Search, it appears as part of your Salesforce home screen.
Smart Search is not part of the basic Salesforce search feature found at the top of the Salesforce user interface.
If your org has enabled Max, you can access and engage with the Max bot in Slack or Microsoft Teams, as if it were an ordinary user. Max mediates the exchange with Smart Search and produces search results in the channel in which it was engaged.
To use Smart Search for a simple search
- Access Smart Search as described in To access Smart Search.
- Enter keywords or detailed search terms or expressions in the search box. For details on the search strategies you can employ, see Search Strategies. Press Enter.
- Smart Search displays search results, listing the key data as configured. Default headings include document (file), agreement (title), and account names, and contract start and end dates. Response entries also contain a snippet summarizing the document, with highlighting for words that match the search terms.
From these results, you can open and analyze the document directly, share your results, or refine your search terms. If you find a search useful and would like to preserve it to be repeated in the future, you can save your query.
Type-Ahead and Search History
When you enter a search term or expression in Smart Search, the tool dynamically compares your search terms with dictionaries and other searches to suggest searches based on your entry. It also compares your search entry with previous searches you have made.
Smart Search produces two sets of search suggestions:
- A list of searches suggested by autocompletion of your entry ("type-ahead")
- A list of recent searches in a search history
To access the search history and type-ahead features, enter a search term:
If you see an auto-complete or search history item that addresses your current search need, click it to access that search.
Smart Search captures your search entries to enrich its library for succeeding searches.
To view snippets
Smart Search returns a list of results matching the search terms in a tabular format. For each entry, a snippet is available. You can access the snippet by clicking the right-arrow icon next to the document title, opening the snippet drop-down.
Snippets show the text immediately before and after the search terms. Search terms are highlighted.
To configure search result columns
Smart Search displays search results in a tabular format. To configure which search result field columns are displayed:
When your search query includes a field that is not configured as a search result column, the field included in the search query is displayed as a search result column.
To access details
To close the preview panel
To use Smart Search as a chatbot
Smart Search interoperates with MS Teams, Slack, and Conga Webchat.
To adjust your user preferences
The administrator can set a default user experience for the Smart Search instance, but you can override these settings to enforce your personal preferences for your searches. These settings affect your search experience only.