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Creating Sync Indexes

For objects with significantly large data sets, it may be good to consider creating a sync index so that pricing and configuration data for that object is more easily searchable after it has been synced to one or more consumer endpoints. You can set up indexes for any objects and specify fields that should be included in the index. You can configure indexes when you add an object for sync or when you manage any objects that are already part of the sync profile.

Sync indexes are most applicable for object pricing data subject to callbacks. For more information on configuring callbacks, refer to TurboEngines administrator documentation.

To add an index to a sync object

  1. Go to the Sync Settings page.
  2. From list of sync objects, search for the object and select the row drop-down (

    ) and click Manage Index.
    The Manage Index page is displayed.
  3. Click Add Index.
  4. Enter a unique Index Name in the field provided.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Click the chevron (

    ) to the left of the object name to view the list of fields.
  7. Click the check box next to a field name to add it to the index. Click the check box to the left of the Field Name column to select all visible fields. Note that child objects and reference objects can also be selected.
  8. Click Save.
    The index is created and the index list is updated to display the new index. The Index Field column displays the added fields in sequence.
  9. Click Back to return to the Manage Objects page.

    Keep the following in mind when creating an index:

    • After adding an index, you cannot make any modifications to it. If you need to make changes, delete and recreate the index.
    • You can add a maximum of 32 fields (columns) to an index.
    • You can create a maximum of 64 indexes per object.
    • You cannot create an index for an object that is marked to "Include all fields including future fields" from the UI. See Data Sync Limitations for more information.

To delete a sync index

  1. Go to the Sync Settings page.
  2. From list of sync objects, search for the object and select the row drop-down (

    ) and click Manage Index.
    The Manage Index page is displayed.
  3. From the list of indexes, search for the index and select the row drop-down (

    ) and click Delete.
    A confirmation dialog is displayed.
  4. Click Yes to confirm the deletion or No to cancel.
  5. Click Submit to save the updated index to Sync Settings.