Conga Product Documentation

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The CacheHelper function helps you cache data for faster retrievals. The ICacheHelper instance, which is returned when GetCacheHelper() is called, provides you with the following methods:


void Set<T>(string key, T value, string regionName);
T Get<T>(string key, string regionName);
bool Contains(string key, string regionName);


public class Product2
  public string Id {get; set;}
  public string Name { get; set;}

Set Data in Cache

var cacheHelper = GetCacheHelper();

Product2 product = new Product2()
  Id= "RT001", Name =  "Router"
await cacheHelper.Set<Product2>("Product",product);

Console Output


Get Data from Cache

var cacheHelper = GetCacheHelper();
var logHelper = GetLogHelper();
var productFromCache = await cacheHelper.Get<Product2>("Product");

Console Output
