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Preparing Tenant Information

Your provisioning request for TurboConfig or TurboPricing must include specific information related to your tenant. Before your org can be provisioned, you must gather the required information and provide it to Conga Technical Support. What information must be collected will differ depending on the service you are provisioning.


Configure a Connected App to use with TurboEngines before collecting the information described in this topic.

Refer to the following table for all required pre-provisioning information:


While implementing TurboPricing, any Id (15-character Id) that is returned from Salesforce is converted to an 18-character Id for the proper functioning of TurboPricing.


Required for Service



TurboConfig, TurboPricing

This is the Salesforce Organization ID of the org to be provisioned for TurboEngine service. To locate your Organization ID:

  1. Log in to the org to be provisioned.
  2. Go to Setup > Company Profile > Company Information > Organization ID.
  3. Copy the 15-character ID (to be converted into 18 characters). You can add any random characters to the Org ID for conversion.

For example, TenantId = 00d3i000000qn7xAAA


TurboConfig, TurboPricing

The Tier (Gold, Silver, and Bronze) to be provisioned. If no tier is provided, then Bronze is selected by default.

Org Type

TurboConfig, TurboPricing

Org type to be provisioned (sandbox or production)

Tenant Name

TurboPricing, TurboConfig

The one-word tenant name used for the tenant endpoint (for example, customername-sandbox)

Consumer Key

TurboConfig, TurboPricing

The consumer key ( client-id in OAuth 2.0) generated from your Connected App. Refer to Creating a Connected App.

Consumer Secret

TurboConfig, TurboPricing

The secret key (client-secret in OAuth 2.0) generated from your Connected App. Refer to Creating a Connected App. This is not required if you have enabled the JWT authorization.

Salesforce User Name

TurboConfig, TurboPricing

Admin username for the org to be provisioned with read/write access to Conga CPQ (used by Conga Technical Support for verifying settings)

Salesforce Password

TurboConfig, TurboPricing

Password for the Salesforce admin user. This is not required if you have enabled the JWT authorization.



The URL used to verify session Id for TurboPricing (,, or a custom Salesforce domain)



The URL is given by the UI after logging into the org to be provisioned (for example,



Salesforce token endpoint URL (this will be or, depending on your Org Type)

Contact Email

TurboConfig, TurboPricing

The email to send the notifications on the successful provision.

Data Volume Settings

TurboConfig, TurboPricing

Provide the following entity information to Cloud Ops to perform the sizing accordingly. Refer to Data Volume Settings for Tenant Onboarding.

  • Estimated Total Number of Search Filters

  • Estimated Total Number of Asset Line Items

  • Estimated Total Number of Deal Guidance Rules

  • Estimated Total Number of Price Rules

  • Estimated Total Number of Price List Items

  • Estimated Total Number of Price Matrixes

  • Estimated Total Number of Products (count of product records in product2 object)

Activate Multiple Currencies


Verify if the Activate Multiple Currencies option is selected for an org.
  • If the option is selected, add "MultipleCurrenciesEnabled": true in the tenant configuration file with the help of DevOps/CloudOps,
  • If the option is not selected, add "MultipleCurrenciesEnabled": false in the tenant configuration file with the help of DevOps/CloudOps.

After collecting all the required information, provide it with your tenant provisioning request to Conga Technical Support.