Conditional tables are an element that were introduced with the FX2 format. Previously, Apttus tables (Generated using insert mergefields in Pre-FX2) could only have one filter (condition) applied to them. As a workaround, you may have created a Word generated table inside of a repeating section so that multiple filters could be applied to the table. In FX2, Apttus generated tables can handle multiple filters. Apttus tables are easier to maintain and it is considered a best practice to use them over Word generated tables nested inside of a repeating section, where possible.
To understand how to interpret complex clause conditionality from Pre-FX2, please refer to Using Conditional Clauses and Text.
Follow the instructions to Convert Tables to FX2 format. Make sure your new tables contain all fields you want to populate under any and all given conditions.
Open the Control Panel under X-Author Templates.
Right-click on the table that you want to make conditional and choose Edit condition.
Note: You can also edit the condition of a table by clicking on the box next to Conditional Expression in the Properties panel and selecting a choice from the drop-down list that appears.
In FX2 format, you can define one or more conditions for each column in a table. Choose the column from the drop-down list of fields to make conditionally shown and create an expression to show the column when the expression resolves to true.
Repeat the process for additional columns by choosing Add Row and add filter logic as needed. Click Next to proceed.
On the next screen, create one or more expressions to make table rows conditional as needed.
Click Finish.
Delete any Pre-FX2 tables from your template.
Check-in your template tom complete the conversion process.