Download page Converting Pre-FX2 Templates to FX2 Format.
Converting Pre-FX2 Templates to FX2 Format
The purpose of this appendix is to provide you with manual instructions for converting your Pre-FX2 format (Merge format) agreement templates to the new FX2 format. There is no automated solution to convert your templates at this time.
This guide is designed in a manner which allows you to tackle the conversion process one step at a time by addressing the different elements of an agreement template. The following elements are required when converting a template to the new FX2 format:
All clause references must be replaced by FX2 format clauses.
All merge fields must be replaced by FX2 format fields.
All Pre-FX2 sections and tables must be replaced with FX2 format sections and tables.
Smartness must be reapplied to fields and clauses as required.
Conditional content must be reviewed, removed and defined for FX2 format.
This conversion guide provides the minimum guidance necessary to complete template conversion to the FX2 format. Please follow links in the document to guide content for information on working with FX2 template features.
Using a Bottom-Up Approach to Conversion
Because agreement template design often involves a lot of conditionality and clauses nested within clauses, it is recommended to approach the conversion process using a "bottom-up" method. In many cases, you are not only converting a single agreement template to the new format, but several clause templates as well. Your Pre-FX2 format agreement template may contain clause references which refer to clause templates in your system. These clause templates may then have more clause references, and so on, until you reach a clause template which does not contain any references. These final nested clause references may still contain merge fields, tables and sections, which also need to be converted. Consider the following representative diagram of a typical agreement template structure.
All clauses marked in red must be converted to FX2 format first, then the templates (clause or agreement) which contain them can be converted, and so on until you reach the main agreement template. Because of this, a bottom-up approach is required in most cases. You need to assess your agreement template and make all changes furthest out from the template before making changes to references inside the agreement template document itself.
FX2 Format Conversion Steps
Follow the steps below to successfully convert your Pre-FX2 format templates to the new FX2 format.