Using Conditionals

You must have highlighted some text, a clause, a grouping of text across clauses, or text with fields.

You cannot add an action if the conditional resolves to False.

  1. In the X-Author Templates ribbon tab, click Set Segment > Conditional. The Expression Builder dialog box will appear.
  2. Within the Expression Builder, you can make selected content conditional. The picklist allows the user to choose the business object context of the Template, to define qualified expression fields.
  3. After choosing the business object, all of the fields in that business object will automatically expand, showing you a list of the available fields to choose from. Choose the necessary fields.

    Each expression condition requires the identification of the field control to which the condition will apply, the operator to be used in the condition, and the value of the field where the condition shall be True.
    The Expression Builder allows the user to Add Row to add more expression conditions, where 2 or more conditions are joined in the overall expression by the Boolean operator AND.

    The default relationship for more than one row in the Expression Builder is 'AND'.

    Click the red icon  to delete the expression condition row. You can click  to build advanced expressions using lookup fields of the objects.

  4. Click Finish to apply the conditional for the highlighted text. The Control Panel will open up and you will see a new field called, Segment Conditional. This confirms that you have made the highlighted content a conditional.

Applying filter logic

You must have at least 2 rows or a maximum of 9 rows in the Expression Builder.

  1. In the Expression Builder dialog box, click Add Filter Logic.
  2. To change the default AND relationship between the rows in the Expression Builder, enter in the filter numbers, separated by the supported operators.
    • AND - Finds the data which matches where both expression condition rows are True.
    • OR - Finds the data which matches an enclosed set of expression condition rows or a specific expression condition row.
    For example, by using brackets or parenthesis you can enter: ((1 AND 3) or (2 AND 5)) AND 4 or you can enter (1 OR 2) OR 3. If you enter in the filter logic statement incorrectly, you will be presented with a error message in a dialog box that will assist you in applying a valid statement. 
  3. Click Apply Logic to apply the logical statement to the rows in the Expression Builder.