Reconciliation allows you to merge the changes made to smart fields and smart clauses in an agreement document, outside of the Salesforce/ X-Author environment, with the data held in the associated Agreement record in Salesforce. Reconciliation is done at the time of check-in.

In a typical scenario where an agreement document is sent to an external party for negotiation, the external party will make changes to the document as part of the negotiation. If the changes to the document involve data belonging to the Agreement record, reconciliation provides the mechanism to ensure the values in the document and the Agreement record are in sync.

To reconcile an agreement, you must select Reconcile Document option from the check-in document page. Reconciliation process comprises four steps:

  1. Reconcile Smart Fields: This page appears only if your agreement contains modified (modified means smart field whose value is updated or deleted) smart fields. You can view the previous and new values of the modified smart field. In the absence of a smart field or changed smart field in your document, this page is skipped during reconciliation.

    In some cases, a smart field is not displayed in a generated agreement document. This happens because that field does not have any value to display and therefore, cannot participate in the reconciliation process. For more information on smart fields, refer to Inserting Fields in a Template.

  2. Reconcile Repeat Tables and Sections: This page appears only if your document has modified repeat tables or modified repeat sections. The page provides existing and new values in a table with the changed values highlighted in the table. The page highlights only the table row which has the modified values.
  3. Reconcile Smart Clause: This page appears if you have modified smart clauses in your agreement. The reconcile smart clauses screen shows the previous and current clause content and highlights the changed clause content in the current clause text pane. Clauses can only be smart in the context of a generated contract document.
  4. Approvals and Term Exceptions: This page provides existing and new content of approval terms and term exceptions.
  • You cannot change the content of the smart fields, smart clauses, tables, or term exceptions on the reconciliation page.
  • The reconciliation process steps are skipped if you use the Asynchronous Checkin option when Checking In Agreements.

You can view the reconciled clauses and their changes under Agreement Clauses related list of the associated agreement record in Salesforce. For more details, refer to Tracking Clauses in your Agreement.

Preview Reconcile

Before reconciling the agreement, you can review the changes made to the content of a smart clause, a smart field, or a table using Preview Reconcile. Preview Reconcile button is enabled in the X-Author Contracts toolbar only if you have at least one smart clause, or smart field present in your agreement document.

Preview reconciliation does not reconcile the values of the smart elements to the agreement record. To do that, you must reconcile from the Check-in Document page.

Points to Remember

  • If your agreement document contains header level smart fields in a section, which is of type Repeat, the changes made to these fields are not reflected during the Preview Reconcile and Check-In processes.
  • During reconciliation of smart clauses, X-Author Contracts does not reconcile the clause content containing < and >.
  • If your agreement document contains a clause with multiple instances of a currency type smart field with different currency formats, X-Author Contracts updates all the instances of the smart currency field in the clause to a single currency format.

  • If you enter dates in dd/MM/yyyy format on the date field, after reconciliation the day and month part gets interchanged.