Initiate Send for Review from the X-Author Contracts tab in Microsoft Outlook. This action invokes Outlook to send one or more agreement-related documents to internal or external parties for further review. From Microsoft Outlook you can:

  • Initiate the Send for Review by checking out an agreement document and attaching it to a new Outlook message.
  • Choose To and CC/BCC recipients from your Outlook address book.
  • Attach files to your Outlook message for review from the agreement record, including the agreement document, supporting or offline documents, other versioned documents, or documents from the agreement record's Notes & Attachments.
  • Attach files from your local drive, media, or other storage.
  • Choose which documents are tracked as part of a review cycle 

    Tracking is only enabled for versioned documents and the X-Author Contracts for Outlook add-in

  • Reply as an internal reviewer and check your version of an agreement document into the agreement record.

To make use of the full functionality of Send for Review from X-Author Contracts described in this guide, you must send only documents that belong to Version Aware agreement records and have the X-Author Contracts for Outlook add-in installed. For documents that are non-Version Aware, tracking and managing of reviews will be disabled. Likewise, review tracking is not enabled if the Outlook add-in is not in use (emails can still be sent and X-Author Contracts functionality is still available for users with access).

For more information on making agreement records Version Aware, see Contract Document Versioning.

Understanding Review Cycles

A tracked Review Cycle (also known as a "Send Cycle") is automatically created for every document associated with the Agreement record that is sent by the negotiator for review. This Review Cycle is then further divided into Cycles based on the number of recipients and the number of documents sent. Each unique recipient/document combination creates a separate cycle.

For example, if 3 tracked documents are sent to 1 recipient, 3 cycles are created for that recipient. Similarly, if 3 recipients each receive 3 tracked documents, 9 cycles are created (3 for each recipient).

Negotiators track open cycles in X-Author Contracts and can manually close cycles from this window or during Check-in. Internal reviewers have the option to check-in agreement documents from their Outlook email instance when they complete their review, returning an attached reviewed version, which automatically closes the cycle for the checked-in document. Negotiators and contract managers can also monitor Cycle status, by using Merge Event Details within the Merge Event related list on the Agreement record.

For more details on tracking review cycles, see Tracking and Managing Review Cycles.


Send for Review Cycles differ from agreement lifecycles and are not tracked using Cycle Time Groups or Cycle Time Reporting.