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Adding Related Fields to Criteria

Related fields can be used to add custom formula fields to Approval criteria. You can use related fields with:
  • Approval process entry criteria
  • Approval step entry criteria
  • Reapproval criteria
  • Child and search filters
  • Approval rules criteria: dimension and condition
  • Approval rule entry criteria: approval and auto-reapproval conditions

When you configure a formula field to be used as a related field, it is automatically available with each of the criteria listed above.

To add business objects to a formula field pick list

  1. From Setup, select Create > Objects > Formula Field (Approvals).
  2. From Custom Fields & Relationships, click Business Object.
  3. From Picklist Values, click New.
  4. Enter the API name for the objects you will include, such as Apttus_Config2__ProductConfiguration__c and Apttus_Config2__LineItem__c.
  5. Click Save.
The API names are now added to the picklist values.
The next time you create or edit a formula field (Approvals) based on the values in step 4, product configuration and line item become available from the business object pick list.

To set up the Formula Fields (Approvals) pick list

Business object options beyond the default values have been added to the Formula Field (Approvals) business object pick list.
  1. Click All tabs and select Formula Fields (Approvals).
  2. Click New and enter:



    Field Name

    Name displayed in the Field list when setting entry criteria for a process, step filters, conditions, or re-approval criteria.


    Currently this value can only be "Relationship".

    Business Object

    This business context object relates to the approval process's or approval step's context object. The field is only available in a process or step when this value matches the process or step value. Available default values are Standard Agreement, Agreement Line Item, and Opportunity.


    Contains fields from the business object, such as Apttus_Config2__PriceListId__c for the configuration object's Price List field.

    It can also be used for fields associated with the business object via a lookup field. For this, you must use __r to indicate a relationship between the field and object. For example, Apttus_Config2__ConfigurationId__r.Apttus_QPConfig_ _Proposald__r.Payment_Term__c enables the Payment Term field to be used when Product Configuration is the business object.

    You can use Salesforce's Insert Field dialog to build your formula and then copy and paste it to the Formula field. You can access the formula by creating a new field for the appropriate business object. This example shows the approval status for the Product Configuration object.


    Enter information to state the formula field's purpose.

  3. Click Save.
The new field is added to the Formula Field (Approvals) list and can be included in an approval process.
When you go to add criteria in approvals, the field list displays the related field, with the format Related(Field Name): Formula Field Label. For example, Related(Price List): Price List.