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This admin entry allows you to define a naming convention for the agreement generated on amending, cloning, or renewing an agreement.

If you set its value to true, the system appends the following for each action to the base agreement name and assigns it to the new agreement:

  • for clone action: appends 'Copy'
  • for renew action: appends 'Renewed'
  • for amend action: appends 'Amended'







For example, if you clone an agreement named HP_MSA, the cloned agreement is named HP_MSA Copy. If you clone the cloned agreement, the resulted agreement is named HP_MSA Copy Copy.

You can assign numbers to agreements resulted after cloning, amending or renewing by configuring an action-specific admin entry. For more information, see APTS_AgreementName_Amend, APTS_AgreementName_Clone, APTS_AgreementName_Renew.

If you have configured APTS_AgreementName_Default admin entry and action-specific admin entries with Code as 1, the agreements are named as follows each time when an action is performed on the agreement:

  • for clone action: HP_MSA Copy 1, HP_MSA Copy 2, and so on
  • for renew action: HP_MSA Renew 1, HP_MSA Renew 2, and so on
  • for amend action: HP_MSA Amend 1, HP_MSA Amend 2, and so on