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This admin entry allows you to override the default naming convention for agreements generated on cloning an agreement.

By default, the system appends the 'Copy' to the base agreement name and assigns it to the new agreement. You can set the numbering value to be started from a desired number. For example, to start the numbering from 1, you need to specify 1 in the Code of this admin entry.







If you set this admin entry to false, the system modifies the agreement name as per the default behavior i.e. APTS_AgreementName_Default admin entry.

If you set both, APTS_AgreementName_Renew and APTS_AgreementName_Default to false, the system appends 'Renew' to the agreement as many times as the action is performed. For example, after each renewal, the agreement is updated to HP_MSA_Renewed, HP_MSA_Renewed Renewed, HP_MSA_Renewed Renewed Renewed,...