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You can use this admin entry when you want to clone, amend or renew agreements with many documents. By default, the admin entry is set to false.

When the APTS_AsyncCloneAmendRenew admin entry is set to true, the cloning, amendment, or renewal process of an agreement happens asynchronously in the background. This allows the user to continue working on other agreements without interruption. After the cloning, amendment, or renewal process is complete, the user receives an email notification.

When you amend, clone, or renew an activated agreement record, with documents present in the Agreement Documents-related list, the process occurs in synchronous mode. When you amend, clone, or renew an agreement record that is not activated, with documents present in the Document Versions-related list, the process occurs in asynchronous mode.

The asynchronous cloning, amendment, or renewal process only copies the files and attachments of the Agreement and Document Version Detail records in the background. If the documents (are present in either Agreement Documents or Executed Documents, then the files are copied synchronously and not asynchronously.

For more information on cloning, amending, or renewing an agreement, see Managing Agreement Lifecycle Post-Activation.




