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Creating an Offline Agreement

Contract Management enables you to create an offline agreement from a third-party paper. This feature creates an agreement record in Contract Management and tags with metadata so that it can be checked out with X-Author for Contracts.

To create an offline agreement

  1. Click Create Offline Agreement link under Links.
    This displays Select Agreement Record Type page.
  2. Select an agreement record type from the Record Type of the new record drop-down list and click Continue.
    This displays the New Offline Agreement page.
  3. Click Continue. In the Select the File section, click Choose File to select a document to attach to this agreement.
    This displays the Open window.
  4. Navigate to the file you want to upload. Select the file and click Open. In the Click the Attach File button section, click Attach File to create the offline agreement with the selected document attached to the agreement.

    You can upload a file with a maximum of 10MB size.

  5. In the Select this option for Intelligent extraction of data and clauses from the uploaded file, select the Intelligent Discovery checkbox for intelligent data extraction.

    You can leave the Intelligent Discovery checkbox unselected if you want to import the document without intelligent data extraction. For information on checking the intelligent discovery processing status in Lightning, see Reviewing an Agreement Created by Intelligent Discovery.

  6. Click Continue.
    This displays the Agreement Edit page.
  7. Enter values into any required fields (marked in red) and additional fields as needed to complete the agreement record details.
  8. Click Save. This displays a message stating that Intelligent Discovery will create a batch.

    You will also receive an email notification with the IDEJobProcess status and error information.

  9. Click Ok. This displays the Agreement Detail page.

    When an agreement is imported using Intelligent Discovery, the Status Category is set to Import and Status is set to Review. When an agreement is imported without using intelligent discovery, the Status Category is set to In Authoring and the Status is set to <Blank>.


    Only Review Offline Document action is available after intelligent discovery and other agreement actions are disabled. Other agreement actions are enabled after reviewing the agreement.

    In the version aware agreements, the document type of the document created offline is updated as Agreement Document.