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Sending an Agreement Document for Collaborative Review Using Microsoft 365 Review

You can send the agreement documents to Microsoft 365 for collaborative review in Salesforce Lightning mode. In Microsoft 365, you can collaboratively edit and review an agreement document with all the team members and view live changes. A review cycle is created when you send an agreement document in DOCX format for Office 365 review. All documents part of the Microsoft 365 review have change tracking turned on.

You can send agreement documents for review to stakeholders in and out of your organization. You can create one review cycle for internal stakeholders for internal and one for external stakeholders. You can also create a review cycle for mixed review that consists of both internal and external reviewers. On the review cycle page, you can differentiate the internal, external, and mixed reviews with the tags (O365 Internal Review, O365 External Review, and Office 365 Review).

Before sending documents for mixed review, consider the following points-

  • You can only send version-aware, DOCX-format agreement documents for review.
  • Document review links shared with internal and external reviewers are different.
  • Sharing review documents with internal reviewers grants them full access with change tracking on.
  • External reviewers cannot download the review document.
  • External reviewers cannot share the document with other internal/external users.
  • Content control is removed from the document when the review is in progress.
  • Reviewers cannot check the document out in X-Author while the review is in progress.
  • Reviewers can use MS Word to share the document with other users.


  • You have a Microsoft 365 subscription.
  • You have configured Microsoft 365 settings to send an agreement document for review. For more information, see Managing Microsoft 365 Review.
  • You can view the Office 365 Internal Review, Office 365 External Review, and Send for Office 365 Review buttons based on the configuration of your administrator. For more information, see Enabling and Customizing the Action Panel.
  • The status category for the agreement record is In Authoring or In Signatures.
  • For O365 external review, administrators allow external sharing to "Anyone" or "New and existing guests" in the Microsoft 365 setup. For more information, see Manage sharing settings for SharePoint and OneDrive in Microsoft 365.


  • You must not upload a document reviewed in a word processor other than MS Word.

To send an agreement document for review

  1. On the agreement detail page, click one of the following;
    1. Office 365 Internal Review to send documents for internal review
    2. Office 365 External Review to send documents for external review.
    3. Send for Office 365 Review to send documents for mixed review (internal and external review).

      When Permit Delegation is enabled, you can see the Microsoft Sign-in page. When Permit Delegation is disabled, you can see the Select Document(s) page. For more information, see Configuring Office 365.

  2. Select DOCX agreement documents for review from the Agreement Documents section or from the Related Agreement Documents section.
  3. (Optional) You can use the agreement documents search box to search for agreement documents by document name. You can use the related documents search box to search for related documents by document name, agreement name, or agreement relationship.If the agreement has any related or child agreement documents, you can view the Related Agreement Documents section and select related or child agreement documents in any format you need to send for review. Only documents in DOCX format are considered for collaboration review. You can click the filter icon () to filter related, sibling, parent, or child agreement documents.
  4. (Optional) To add, remove, or reorder columns:
    1. Click the settings icon () to configure the fields to view the Select Fields to Display popup.
    2. To add a new column, select a field from the Available Fields and click the right arrow () icon to move the field to Visible Fields.
    3. To remove a column, select a field from the Visible Fields and click the left arrow () icon to move the field to Available Fields.
    4. To reorder the columns, click the down arrow () or the up arrow ().
    5. Click Save.
  5. Selecting a document enables the Next button. Click Next.
  6. In the Email Detail section, enter contacts or recipient email addresses.

    For internal review, you can only add users from the active directory. For external reviewers, you can select external email, users, or contacts.

    When the APTS_IncludePrimaryContact admin entry is set to true, it adds the primary contact from the agreement to the To field of the email.

    If you are sending the agreement for Microsoft 365 internal review, the To field is populated with reviewers configured in the APTS_DefaultSendersforReview_SendToOffice365InternalReview admin entry. For external review, the To field is populated with reviewers configured in the APTS_DefaultSendersforReview_SendToOffice365ExternalReview admin entry.

    If none of these admin entries are configured then the To field is populated with reviewers configured in APTS_DefaultSendersforReview_SendToOffice365Review admin entry. You can remove a default reviewer if needed.

  7. (Optional) To update the email subject, you can enter the new subject in the Subject field.

    If the default internal and external review email templates (Agreement Office365 Internal Review Notification and Agreement Office365 External Review Notification) are deleted, the email templates are available based on the value set for the APTS_EmailTemplateForReview admin entry. If the admin entries are not configured, the default email template is set to the template provided by Conga. The default email template folder is based on the value set for the APTS_DefaultEmailTemplateFolder admin entry.

  8. (Optional) To add any supporting document from your local drive:
    1. In the Attached Documents section, click Add More.
    2. Drag and drop or upload documents from your local drive.
    3. On the Upload Files popup, click Done after the documents are uploaded.
    4. Click Add.

      If the Show Add More Button During Review comply user property is not configured then you can view the "Add more" button by default. For more information, see Comply User Properties.

  9. (Optional) To remove an uploaded document, click the remove icon () beside the document name. The remove icon is not available for agreement documents. To remove the agreement or related documents, click Previous and unselect the required documents.

    You can only remove uploaded supporting documents from the Attached Documents section. No review cycle or document protection is added for the uploaded supporting documents.

  10. Click Send.
The status category changes to In Authoring and the status changes to Other Party Review for your agreement record. All reviewers receive an email with the document link. A review cycle is created.

To review a document

  1. Open your email and click the document link.
  2. Log in to your Microsoft account.

    The document opens in Insert Comments and Track Changes protection mode.


    When you open an internal review document, click Edit Document when you open the document. To edit the internal review document, open the document using desktop MS Word. If you have an X-Author for Contracts license, you can make changes in the document using X-Author for Contracts. For more information, see Internal Review Using Office 365.

    Note: For documents sent for review through Send for Office 365 Review, the external reviewers can accept or reject changes in the document if the administrator has selected Allow Accept/Reject from Third Party checkbox in O365 Settings.
  3. Make the required changes and close the document.
After you end the review in Contract Management, the reviewed document is available on the Document Version Detail page.

To view the review cycle of an agreement

  1. Go to the Agreement detail page.
  2. Go to the Document Versions section.
  3. In the Review Status column, click the In Progress link to open the Review Cycle page.

To add additional reviewers to the review cycle

  1. Go to the Review Cycle page.
  2. Click Add Reviewer. The Add Reviewer popup opens.

    The Add Reviewer button is not enabled for the review cycles in Completed or Canceled status.

  3. Enter Contact or User or Email details in the To field.
  4. Click Add Reviewer.
An email notification containing a document link is sent to the reviewer.

To end the review for all reviewers

  1. Go to the Review Cycle page.
  2. Click End Review to end the review without uploading the reviewed document.
The review cycle status changes from In Progress to Completed. The document is archived and you cannot edit it. An email notification is sent to all the reviewers that the document review is complete. To view the reviewed document, Go to the Document Version Detail page.

To end the review for a reviewer

  1. Go to the Review Cycle page.
  2. For a reviewer, click the drop-down list icon () and select End Review.

    This opens the End Review window.

  3. (Optional) Add a comment.
  4. Click End Review.
The review status for the reviewer changes from In Progress to Completed. The reviewed document is archived and cannot be edited.

To end review via email

  1. Open the review email.
  2. Reply to the review email and add your comments in the email body.

    When you end the review, the review cycle status changes from In Progress to Completed. The document is archived and you cannot edit it. You receive a review completion email notification after your reply to the review email is processed. To view the reviewed document, Go to the Document Version Detail page.


    When you end a review via email, the review cycle status of all the documents (received in the same email) changes from In Progress to Completed. For example, if you received three documents in an email for review, on ending the review, the review cycle status of all three documents changes to Completed.

    Ending review via email does not end review for other review cycles if any, in progress for other documents. You must reply to each email separately to end review for the documents received in the review mail.

  3. To verify if the review has ended for you:
    1. Go to the Review Cycle page of the agreement that you have reviewed.
    2. You can see that the Review Status is Completed and the Comments column has your review comments.
    3. The activity log has a new entry that the review was ended.

To cancel a review cycle


The review cycle is in In Progress status.

  1. Go to the Review Cycle page.
  2. Click the Cancel Review button in the header.

    The document is archived or deleted from the Microsoft 365 shared location. On the Review Cycle page, the review status changes to Canceled. An email notification is sent to all the reviewers that the review has been canceled.

To cancel a review in a review cycle

Prerequisite: You can only send version-aware, DOCX-format agreement documents for review.

  1. Go to the Review Cycle page.
  2. For a reviewer, click the drop-down list icon () and select Cancel Review.

    The Cancel Review window opens.


    When you select the header checkbox to select all the reviewers in the review cycle, all the reviewers that have In Progress status are selected. The reviewers in other statuses are not selected.

  3. Add a comment (optional) and click Cancel Review.

    The review status for that reviewer changes to Canceled and the reviewer receives a review cancellation email.. The canceled reviewer cannot open the document, but the contract owner can access it. The review cycle status remains In Progress until all the reviews are completed or canceled. If one reviewer has completed the review but other reviews are canceled in that review cycle, the review cycle status changes to Completed, and the reviewed document is considered the final version.