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Changing an Asset

With the Change function, you can increase or decrease the quantity of assets according to your customer's requests. Change operation also allows you to change the Start Date, End Date, Selling Term, Billing Rule and other fields on the cart for both, Standalone and Bundle assets. You can update the value of several fields on your cart under a single Change action, for a given Asset.

Of the various parameters you can change, the following are the most commonly updated fields:

  • Change Quantity: If you update the quantity of an asset, this update will be reflected as an amendment in the current Asset Line Item. A new line item will not be created for this change.

    You should specify an absolute value for the Quantity field regardless of an increment or decrement in the actual quantity. For example, if you want to increase the asset quantity from 100 to 120, you should enter 120 and not 20. Therefore you must enter the total quantity you want as a result of the change action. Note that when the Asset Pricing Criteria has Quantity selected in the Criteria Field, then any change in the quantity of a bundle is cascaded to the option level.

  • Change Start Date: Updating Start Dates indicates the date from which the change is effective. If you update both the Quantity and the Start Date, the updated quantity will come into effect from the given start date.

    For example, an Asset with 100 Licenses has a Start Date of 01 January 2016 and End Date of 31 December 2016. As part of the Change action, Start Date is set to 01 March 2016 and Quantity is increased by 30. This means, from 01 January to 29 February customer has 100 Licences and starting from 01 March till the End Date, the number of Licenses is 130.

    Please note that prior to the new date, the asset will remain in its previous state and will be billed accordingly. The older information will not be deleted or overwritten.

  • Change End Date: You can update the End Date to extend or shorten the asset validity. On updating the Asset End Date, the existing Line item is amended.

For any Change action on the asset, Net Price indicates the price of the Asset as seen from the Start Date to the End Date on the cart.

Let us take a look at the procedure to change an asset.