Managing Asset Increment with Coterminate Lines
As a Sales Representative, you can increase the quantity of an asset and manage these incremental licenses independently as a separate asset or you can chose to update the existing asset to reflect the new state after adding the incremental licenses. You can sell the incremental quantity at the same price point as the original sale or at a different price point. During the sale of these incremental licenses, you can coterminate them with the existing licenses.
- Click Installed Products. The Installed Product page is displayed.
- Select the check box for a product and click Change > Quantity. The Change Quantity page for the selected asset is displayed.
- In the Change quantity by field, increase the quantity by clicking the + icon. The New Quantity field displays the updated quantity immediately.
- From the Cotermination drop-down list, select a cotermination option for incremental licenses.Note:
During the sale of incremental licenses, you can decide whether you want to coterminate them with the existing licenses. At the time of renewal, the incremental licenses can be renewed independently. You can selectively coterminate all or some of the incremental streams, or you can selectively merge all or some of the incremental streams into one stream. The End Date field is editable only if you select the Enter Custom Date option.
The options available depend on the settings defined by your Administrator. For more information, see Configuring Installed Products Settings.
- Retain the current Asset End Date: Select this option to retain the current asset end date for cotermination.
- Enter Custom Date: Select this option to enter a custom date for cotermination. The End Date field is editable if you select this option.
- Use the Proposal End Date: Select this option for cotermination to use the proposal end date.Note:
If you perform asset increment through the Asset Manager flow, the Use the Proposal End Date option is not displayed on the Change Quantity intermediate page.
- Modify the Start Date and End Date fields if you selected Enter Custom Date from the Cotermination drop-down list.
- Select the Update Existing Assets checkbox to enable these quantity changes to reflect in the existing asset.Note:
If you selected Enter Custom Date in the Cotermination drop-down and modified the End Date, you cannot select the Update Existing Assets checkbox.
- If you select this checkbox, on order activation, the incremental quantity updates into the existing asset. Line status is changed to Incremented and Merged. You can verify the quantity increment at Account > Asset Line Items list. The quantity increment is displayed under the Delta Quantity column.
- When the price point, identifier and end date are the same, the existing quote line corresponding to the asset in the existing renewal quote is updated with the updated asset detail.
- When the price point is a weighted average, and the identifier and end date are the same, the existing quote line corresponding to the asset in the existing renewal quote is updated with the updated asset detail.
- If you do not select this checkbox, on order activation, a new asset with the same name of the existing asset is created. Line status is changed to Incremented. You can verify the quantity increment at Account > Asset Line Items list. There are two assets with the same name, one with the original quantity and the other with the increment quantity. However, the Total Quantity column indicates the cumulative quantity, that is, original quantity plus increment quantity.Note:
In CPQ on Salesforce Winter 2018 release, CPQ does not support the calculation of total quantity and asset quantity, and renewal automation on the lines with the Incremented status.
- When the price point of the incremental asset is not the same as the existing asset (and you are not using the weighted average), but the identifier and the end date are the same, a new line is created in the existing renewal quote.
- When the price point of the incremental asset is not the same as the existing asset (and you are not using the weighted average) and the end date is the same but the identifier is different, a new renewal quote is created.
- When the end date of the incremental asset is not the same as the existing asset, a renewal quote is created.
- If you select this checkbox, on order activation, the incremental quantity updates into the existing asset. Line status is changed to Incremented and Merged. You can verify the quantity increment at Account > Asset Line Items list. The quantity increment is displayed under the Delta Quantity column.
- To coterminate other asset streams with the current increment, in the Cotermination with Increment panel, select any or all assets.Note:
The Cotermination with Increment panel is visible only if your administrator has not enabled the Hide Co-Term setting.
If your administrator has configured Purchase Identification Criteria, you can see other assets that match the purchase identifier of the current increment, in the Cotermination with Increment section.
You can coterminate a few other assets that are related to the current asset. The related assets are the assets that are available under Related Purchases on the Installed Product page. However, you can only coterminate related assets with the same end date, but cannot increment the quantity of the related assets.
If you selected Enter Custom Date in the Cotermination drop-down and modified the End Date, the new date is updated in the New End Date field of the selected related assets, under the Cotermination with Increment section.
For more information, see Configuring Installed Products Settings.
- Click Go to Pricing. The Cart page is displayed.
- Click the
icon on the Asset Line Column to understand the projected asset details. An API is called and the Project Asset Value window is displayed. You can see the current asset unit price, current asset net price, updated asset unit price, and updated asset net price.