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Configuring Custom Labels for Email Templates

To ensure that emails are sent to the correct address, you must configure a custom label used by the emails. Each email template references the same label, so you only need to configure the one custom label as it affects each template.

You must have already configured your email service.

  1. From Setup, go to Develop > Email Services and click the ApprovalReplyService email service name.
  2. Copy the system-generated email address.

  3. From Setup, go to Create > Custom Labels and select ApttusEmailServiceAddress.
  4. Click New Local Translations / Overrides to display the Translation Edit page.
  5. The Master Label Information section displays default text that points to a dummy email service that you cannot use with your org.

  6. In the Translation Information section, select English from the Language list and paste the email address copied in Step 2 into the Translation Text field.
  7. Click Save.

The label is now updated with the email address for your org.

When consolidated approval emails are next sent, they will be routed to the correct users.