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Creating a New Invoice Template

To create a new template

  1. Click + > Templates > New.
  2. Enter values for the fields described in the following table:



    Information section


    Give this template a unique name to help you and others in your organization identify it with ease.


    Select from one of the following options.

    • Invoice - Select this option if you want to create a template for an Invoice
    • Invoice Statement - Select this option if you want to create a template for an Invoice Statement


    Enter a unique external reference identifier to help you and others in your organization identify it with ease.


    Enter a brief description of the functions and purpose of this template for the benefit of other in your organization who may want to use this template.

    Agreement type

    Select Default.


    Select Default.


    Select Default.

    Is Active?

    Select the check box to activate the template and make it available for use.

    Cloned from?

    If you are cloning this template, lookup and select the source you are using to clone this template.

    Cloned from Reference

    Enter the unique external reference identifier of the source you are using to clone this template.

    Term Exception

    Lookup and select the Id for the term exception associated with the clause or section.


    enter the keywords that will help other users effectively search for this template.


    Select the language you want to present your invoice in.


    Select the geographical region where you are presenting this invoice.

    Next Revision Date

    Select a date when you want to revise this template.

    Publishing section

    Needs Publishing?

    Select the check box to publish this template.

    Published Date

    Select a date to publish this template.

    Published Doc ID

    Enter the Document ID of this template.

    Content and Merge fields section

    Text Content

    Enter the verbiage that you want to include in the template. For more information, contact your manager or the Legal team in your organization.

    Merge fields

    Enter the names of the merge fields and clauses you want to include in the template.

    Excluded Merge Child Objects

    Enter the names of the child objects that you want to reference in the template.

  3. Click Save.
Now, you can apply this template to generate an Invoice.