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Separate Invoicing

Scheduling Optionscts or make any amendments over time, those will be included a single invoice.

However, you have to option to generate separate invoices for each of the Billing Schedules.

Assume that for an asset, Ready for Invoice Date for 4 Billing schedules is 3/20/2016, 4/20/216, 5/20/2016 and 6/20/216. Create a new Invoice Run and set Process Through Date as 6/30/2016; only 1 invoice will be generated.

Now go to Custom Settings > Billing Custom Class and set Invoice Grouping Callback Class to testinvoicegroupingcallback. After this configuration, the invoices will be segregated on the basis of Ready for Invoice Date for Billing Schedules.

For the same asset, now 4 invoices will be generated.

Also, we can separate invoices by order, or by location based on the filter options you set on the Invoice Run. Please refer Filter Options for more information.

Note: If Billing Rule is set to Ready For Billing Date, only one invoice will be generated irrespective of this configuration.