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Scheduling Options

Invoice Runs provide two scheduling options:


You can generate ad hoc invoice for any product or service that you do not want automatically invoiced. Under Invoice Runs > Scheduling Options, select the Run Type as Immediate.



Invoice Date Type

You can select any one value from the following:

  • User-defined: Choose this value to apply the date of your choice on the invoices.
  • Ready for Invoice Date: Choose this value to copy Ready for Invoice Date from the corresponding Billing Schedules to the Invoice Date on each of the invoices. Please note that the invoices will be grouped or split by the Ready for Invoice Date of the processed Billing Schedules.

Invoice Date

Select the date which you want to stamp on the invoices as the Invoice Creation Day.

Process through date

Billing Schedules with the Ready for Billing Day equal to or less than the date specified in this field will qualify for invoice generation.


You can generate invoices in bulk for your customers on a defined schedule. Under Invoice Runs > Scheduling Options, select the Run Type as Scheduled.

Define values for the fields described in the following table and click Save.



Schedule Type

Select from one of the following options:

  • Weekly - To perform this Invoice Run every week.
  • Monthly by date - To perform this Invoice Run every month on a specific date.
  • Monthly by day - To perform this Invoice Run every month on a specific day.

Preferred Start Time

Define the specific hour and minutes of the day when you want to schedule this Invoice Run.

Week Day

Select a day of the week when you want to perform the Invoice Run.

Invoice Date Type

You can select any one value from the following:

  • User-defined: Choose this value to apply the date of your choice on the invoices.
  • Ready for Invoice Date: Choose this value to copy Ready for Invoice Date from the corresponding Billing Schedules to the Invoice Date on each of the invoices. Please note that the invoices will be grouped or split by the Ready for Invoice Date of the processed Billing Schedules.

Invoice Date Offset

From the drop-down menu, select the number of days by which you want to advance or delay performing the Invoice Run.

Process through date Offset

From the drop-down menu, select the number of days by which you want to advance or delay processing the Invoice Run.

Schedule Run from

Enter the date you want to start this Invoice Run.

Schedule Run To

Enter the date you want to stop this Invoice Run. Invoice Run batch job runs indefinitely if you do not specify this date.

Select the Schedule Type to Weekly, select Week Day as Monday, Invoice date offset to -1, and process thru Date offset to +6 days.

The Invoice Run batch will run every Monday picking invoices with Ready for Invoice Date less than or equal to Saturday.