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Partially Cancelling the Legacy Assets

For partial cancellation of legacy assets do the following steps:

  1. Define an asset per the guidelines given for recurring products by CPQ. For more information, see Recommendations to Import Legacy Products into Conga CPQ.
  2. Perform the CPQ flow to generate an asset line item, order, and order line item.
    Warning: Disable all functionalities associated with auto-activating the order in your org.
  3. Make sure that the below data points are populated in the asset line item record.
    • Remaining Billable Amount
    • Is Legacy for Billing?
    • First Billing Date
  4. Activate the order manually. If the Initiate Billing on Order Activation custom setting is set to True, you must initiate billing by populating the Ready for Billing Date field on the corresponding order line item or order.
  5. Conga Billing creates a number of billing schedules depending on the billing term. The first billing schedule is for the legacy period, with the Type field set to "Informational" and the Status field set to "Invoiced". On subsequent normal billing schedules, the Type field is set to "Contracted" and the Status field to "Pending Billing".
  6. Perform the invoice run to invoice a few billing schedules having the status as pending billing.
  7. Navigate to the Cart and perform the partial cancellation by using the Terminate button. Populate the End Date greater than the First Billing Date.Conga Billing supersedes the invoiced billing schedules after the populated end date and produces redundant billing schedules with negative equivalent amounts. All other billing schedules with the status Pending Billing are cancelled.

After the partial cancellation of the legacy assets, Conga billing:

  • Validates the populated "End Date" and proceed with cancellation if the validation is passed, else throws an error “Assets End Date cannot be earlier than the first billing date in conga” on the Order Edit page.
  • Marks all the Pending billing schedules as Cancelled.
  • Updates the remaining billable amount to $0.00 on the asset line item since there is nothing to be billed in future.
  • Adds the amount of all the Invoiced billing schedules and creates billing schedules with the negative amount to refund it to the customer.
Warning: If there is any pending billing schedule with the date prior to the cancellation date, then the amount in that billing schedule gets added to the remaining billable amount.