Configuring Agreement Clause Categories and Subcategories
Clauses have embedded merge fields contained within them that get auto-populated during agreement creation time.
To organize agreement clauses, it may be useful to create categories and sub-categories. These can also be used for reporting purposes. The Subcategory pick-list displays values based on Category pick-list selection.
These picklists display when you perform the following actions:
- Creating new agreement clauses in Salesforce
- Using the Playbook in X-Author for templates and generated documents
- Creating new agreement and clause templates in X-Author
- Creating sections in a generated document
To set up a clause:
Agreement Clause Subcategories
Subcategory picklists display values based on what was selected in the Category picklist. The picklists also now behave the same for both the Playbook and Create Section dialog, in that they both have Category and Subcategory drop-down lists.
Subcategories can be selected when you choose to save part of a document as an agreement clause in Author, as well as when you create a clause in Salesforce.
To maintain consistency, the Category and Subcategory values for the Agreement Clause custom object must match the Category and Subcategory values for the Template custom object. The Apttus__Category__c and Apttus__Subcategory__c API names refer to different objects though.
If the values do not match and you add an agreement clause to an agreement using the Playbook, an unexpected category and subcategory is added in Salesforce to the Agreement Clause related list's categories and subcategories.
To match Agreement Clause and Template Categories and Subcategories
The values of the category and subcategory fields for Agreement Clause and Template objects must match. You must sync the picklist values between the two objects and then ensure the same association of categories and subcategories.
The categories and subcategories for the Agreement Clause and Template objects match.
You must associate the same categories and subcategories.
To Associate Categories and Subcategories
The Agreement Clause and Template objects require matching category and subcategory values.
When you create an Agreement Clause in Salesforce or a section in X-Author, the subcategories created above will be available for selection. You should repeat this procedure for the Template object categories and subcategories to ensure they align with the Agreement Clause values.